Chapter 47

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People really do have different faces. 

Some change according to the situation and some according to the people. But the main point is everyone changes for their own benefit. I don't know if change is a good thing or bad thing but if it is costing someone else to pay the price for your change, then change is bad.

Staring at Olivia in front of me, I can't believe she is the same woman I met two days back in a restaurant.

She was the sweetest and had a bright glow on her face in front of Ethan, but now the same sweetest smile seemed creepy. Almost scary. 

"I had a hunch it was you." I spoke looking at the woman in front of me with venom crreeping up in my voice.

"Well, it doesn't take a genius to guess that the unknown person was me. I met you in the afternoon and at night, surprise-surprise, you get a text from a stranger." Olivia chuckled looking at me as if I'd told her the funniest joke of the decade.

She is standing in front of me dressed in a yellow summer dress with her hair down looking like a bright sunshine.

"What do you want?" I asked ignoring her sarcastic remarks. 

"Well, I wanted to talk to you."

"About?" I was impatient. 

"About Ethan."

At the mention of his name, my eyes snapped to hers, that she wants to discuss about my husband. I don't even like the mention of his name on her tongue. It angers me for some reason. 

"What about him?"

"Well, for starters, I want you to leave him."

"What?" my frown deepened looking at the ugly smile on her face that I so badly want to wipe off with a sandpaper. 

"You heard me right, Lauren. I want you to leave him, so I can have him back like before."

Why do Ex's never stay as Ex? Why do they want to come back and pretend like nothing has changed. 

"You are out of your mind if you ever think I'll do something like that."

"Aww, you are so sweet. But you will do it for me."

"Why will I leave the man I love, for you?"

"Well, do you play chess, Lauren?"

I stayed silent not answering her question but she just went ahead and continued speaking. 

"In chess, it's all about your mind. Plan first, make your move next. Not to brag, but if I have to say so myself, I'm that sort of person. I don't make my move until I have something planned first."

"I didn't come here to learn about chess rules or to get to know your personality as if we are on a date. "

"Ha, nice joke, Lauren. But I can confirm you we are not on a date. I don't play for other team, you know. And moreover, I have eyes on your man." she air quoted with her manicured fingers testing my patience. 

I asked my next question ignoring her words which felt as if they are dripped in acid making it unbearable for me to listen to her.

"What do you mean by your texts that night?" 

"Just like I said in my texts, it was your father who betrayed Ethan's father." Her eyes shine with a glint and a triumph smile on her lips made my insides crawl with hatred for her. And the words she spoke about my father just multiplied my deep hatred for her along with disgust. 

Not Just A Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora