𝟬𝟳 𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗲

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hey stella.

why did you go for her, and not me?
what did i do?
was i too ugly?
was i too annoying?
why couldn't i be enough for you?

im sorry you feel that way.


you know not of that is true though.

texting you was a mistake
goodnight jacob

gn stella

stella groaned and slammed her phone down on her vanity and walked to her kitchen. her bare foot stepped on the cold tile making her shiver.

she opened her cabniet, grabbing her favorite wine and a wine glass, filling the glass more than she usually would. she sat on her couch and turned on vampire diaries.

after a good bit of episodes and multiple refills of wine, she started to get bored. and felt a little drunk. so, she got up and went to her closet putting on a black top and silver sequined skirt.

she sat at her vanity where her phone was and started to text her whole friend group where to meet up, their favorite club 'vive'.once it was established, she started with her makeup.

she did more glam than usual. she wanted to go home with someone tonight. make her forget about jacob and everything. she sprayed her setting spray and started on her hair.

she straightened her brown waves and put it into a messy cute pony tail. satisfied, she stood up and went to her closet and slipping on her black heels. she sprayed 'you' all on her body and headed out her door.

she pulled up to vive and got out. as soon as she got out she noticed olivia, delaney, madi all arrived at the same time too. she guessed sabrina couldn't make it. she walked over to where they parked and hugged them.

"olivia isabel rodrigo, you are stunning!" stella exclaimed as she got to hug her. she noticed her purple outfit which she believed was typical for her.

olivia's face lit up as she hugged her back, "stella danielle quinn, you are way more stunning!" they hugged each other tightly  and swaying before hearing someone telling them to get a room.

they turned around ready to tell that person off until they realized it's dominic, someone stella was glad to introduce to all her friends. the group erupted into sounds of welcome as he walked over to them.

"dominic omg," stella started as she hugged him, can you tell she's a hugger, " i haven't seen you in forever!" she pulled away and looked up at him, letting a big group of people go around them

"i know it's been to long stella." he smiled and greeted the others. "come on let's get inside." they all showed the bouncer their ids, olivia having to flash her fake, and walked inside.

they walked and sat down at round blue couch. someone came around offering everyone a shot, and everyone took one. "to stella's new role!" delaney made a toast, and everyone threw their head back swallowing the mysterious drink.

dominic squeezed his face together before asking, "wait what new role?", olivia agreeing with him.

"stella is gonna be priscilla presley in sofia coppolas movie." madison spoke like a proud mother, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

she smiled and nodded. "yeah i found out like last week. it's been crazy something and something i'm not used to for sure." she rambled. she usually does talking about something she's excited for.

dominic placed his hand on her thigh. she didn't think anything for it. both of their love languages were touch and plus they have always been affectionate. "wow stel that's amazing." he smiled at her.

a couple shots later, they found themselves on the dance floor. some pop song played in the back as they all felt themselves. stella froze when she felt unfamiliar hands gripping her waist and pressing himself on her backside.

she turned around and pushed him off her. he smirked at her and took her arms, "come on mama dance with me." he slurred causing stella to roll her eyes.

"i think i'm good dancing by myself." she spoke and turned herself back around and carrying on. she couldn't see her friends no where but they didn't stop her. she had so much energy in her veins.

the same guy ignored her and even got closer to her. his hand traveled up her sides and onto her breast, basically groping her. she tried to get away but his grip was too tight. her brain started to get fuzzy as she let out strings of "no" "stop it" "please"

"this feel good ma-" his slurred words were cut off when he started to get dragged. stella turned around and recognized the other man as so other than jacob fucking elordi.

she watched as jacob pushed the man and saying, "she said stop you asshole," causing the drunk man to fall onto the floor. stella watched in horror when jacob started to beat the man up after he called her some derogatory words.

"jacob!" she yelled surprised, not being able to make sense of what's happening. she now felt so dizzy as the room spun around her. she saw black spots before passing out on the dirty club floor.

she woke up on a couch in an all too familiar place. she sat up but quickly groaned when her head started to feel like someone dropped bricks on it. jacob walked from the corner just wearing a pair of athletic shorts.

stella couldn't help herself from staring at his toned body and he seemed to notice when he smirked at her and asked, "like what you see?"

her cheeks flushed and she shook her head, bringing the blanket up to her shoulders. she realized what was happening and that she needed to quickly get out of here. she could not be here

so she waited till his back was turned in the kitchen across from her and started her mission towards the tall glass doors but ended up tripping over some cord in the process. she fell to the ground and brought her bruised need up to her chest.

"trying to escape, are we?" he snickered and walked over to help her up and get onto the couch. he gave her an advil and glass of water, "here take this."

she did as his command and swallowed the pill, opening her mouth to prove to him. "good girl," he muttered and his voice made stella feel butterflies in her stomach.

"i um really need to get going." she spoke quietly.

"you say that a lot." jacob's mouth lined. "just stay with me, and we can talk."

"how about we make an appointment for talking?" she smirked at him. "what aboutttt," she pretend to think by tapping her finger on her chin then stood up, "never?" she then darted for the door and jacob stayed sitting, thinking it was no use to run after her.

a/n:my plots always go too fast😵‍💫😵‍💫

𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍, jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now