Chapter 21: Blood on your hands

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Chapter 21 - Blood on your hands

"Captain, look out!" you screamed and Kenny fired a shot in between you three.

You, Levi, and Nifa were forced to split up. You and Nifa turned the corner while Levi zips straight ahead. You hurried Nifa into a dark, secluded alley to keep hidden, and you watch as Levi crashes into a bar.

In no time, Kenny strides into the bar while about five of his men surround the rooftops. You dare not utter a single word – you know chances of surviving are slim if you and Nifa were to engage five trained assassins with no proper gun yourselves. But you need to somehow get them away from there or Levi will be cornered. You needed a plan.

"We need to get those men away from the bar, Captain Levi is trapped," you whispered to Nifa. "We have to somehow distract them so he can escape."

"But what if they choose to ignore us and go for Captain Levi anyway?"

"Then we can at least reduce the number of people on his tail."

You were about to respond when suddenly, you heard heavy breathing and the sound of metal clanking. You gestured to Nifa to stay silent as you both hid behind wooden boxes in the dark alley. Suddenly, a man slowly walks past the dark alley, blood oozing out of his abdomen.

You flinch when you realize it's the man who got struck by your blade earlier. You assess the amount of blood he's losing and his injury, and it's clear to you that he must have lost too much to keep up with the rest of the team. At this point, he should already start feeling dizzy from blood loss and change of blood pressure. You catch a glint in his waist belt – guns.

Your heart pounds in your ear, drowning out all noise. You know what you're about to do and you don't like it.

"Nifa, cover me. Help me tackle him." You unsheathed one of your blades quietly.

You wasted no time stealthily stalking out of the dark alley and in a flash, you leapt out. Nifa gets to him first, catching him by his neck and putting him in a chokehold. You drew your blades and for a split second, you caught the look on his eyes. Green eyes, full of momentary panic and fear. You were going to kill this man and his blood is going to stain your hands forever. You were about to become a murderer. 

Suddenly, Levi's voice flashes in your head, screaming at you to not hesitate. You remember his fear-stricken face and once again, you were taken over by your survival instincts. Swiftly, you jerk your arms and slice the blades into the man's neck, making sure to target his carotid arteries. A clean strike. 

The man screams and gurgles as blood chokes his throat and fills his respiratory system, and within seconds, he collapses to the floor in his own pool of blood.

You start to breathe heavily, chest heaving up and down. Your hands tremble violently, your bloodied blades still in your grasp.

I did it. I really did it.

My first human kill.

You hear Nifa call out your name and you jolt upright, coming back to reality. You hurried to the man's waist belt and shakily yanked out two guns and a supply of bullets. You saw something else in his pocket – a hand grenade. As you and Nifa search the man for more valuable belongings, you catch Nifa staring at you, her expression petrified yet in awe. You had a feeling she has never killed, or seen anyone kill a man like this before. After all, she is also a Scouts member and just like you, you've only had to deal with Titans until today.

You glanced down at the bloodied man, neck torn open by your blades and out comes his flesh and capillaries. His mutilated neck and body – you made him this way. He was hurt and bleeding, and instead of healing him, you killed him. Up until now, you've always healed wounds, not create them. What right did you have to end someone's life just like this?

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