Chapter 27: Anything for you

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Chapter 27 - Anything for you

You returned to your office afterwards but Levi was nowhere to be found. In fact, Levi was nowhere to be found anywhere at all, not even in his office or the records room. You searched for him the entire day, even asking Erwin about his whereabouts, but Levi had disappeared into thin air.

You were on high alert for the entire day, but nothing seemed suspicious. Levi seems to have told nobody about the records. You wondered if he was avoiding you, and seeing how he wasn't in the mess hall for lunch or dinner, you thought that was most likely the case.

The day went by in a blur and soon, it was already Historia's coronation day. You donned an army green trench coat with the Survey Corps Wings of Freedom logo embroidered on the sleeve and chest pocket. As you made your way into the Capital Mitras, you spotted the rest of your friends wearing the same army green trench coat.

Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha were together in one group, watching Historia proudly. You met up with Mario and Niko, and stood together in a separate group to represent the Military Doctors. Erwin was up on stage with Commander Dot Pixis and Premier Dhalis Zachary.

You looked around and thought you spotted Levi, and sure enough, you found him amongst the crowd. You glanced at his pale profile, the sharp jaw, and graphite grey eyes, you'd recognize his profile anywhere. It was the first time you saw him since yesterday morning.

You didn't manage to talk to him yesterday, but here he was today standing in broad daylight, ignoring your glances.

You bristled, feeling uneasy with what happened yesterday. You rested poorly last night, unable to get your mind off Levi's words and the troubled look in his eyes.

A resounding cheer broke off your thoughts, the crowd erupted into hurrahs to celebrate the coronation of the true Queen of the Walls, Historia Reiss. You saluted and bowed like everyone else, but kept your eyes trained on Levi.

After the formalities were over and the Scouts were dismissed from their post in the Capital Mitras, you all returned to the Survey Corps HQ by carriage. You had no time to even mutter a word to Levi, as Erwin had pulled everyone into a strategy meeting and the agenda was plenty enough to make your head swirl.

Erwin announced his plans to continue making use of Eren's new hardening ability and to test its limits, and clear the Titans from Wall Maria in Trost's outer gates. He also plans to advance into Shiganshina district where Eren's house resides and venture into the basement that Grisha Jaeger has mentioned.

The crystals from the Reiss chapel were found to be a new source of light and energy. Hange announces that the engineering regiment is working on a new weapon to counter the Armoured Titan. An expedition to Shiganshina was in due course and the Scouts will have two months to prepare.

Thanks to the military coup and the recent successes of the Survey Corps, applications and transfers into the regiment were sky high. Apparently, your Military Doctor regiment also increased in popularity. Medics from hospitals from all over the Walls applied to become a Survey Corps Military Doctor, and Erwin has plans to expand this regiment further.

Despite the Survey Corps Military Doctors being a sub-regiment of the Survey Corps, you and Mario proposed with a new logo to represent the regiment — the caduceus. It is a rod with two snakes coiled around it, with a pair of wings behind the rod. The wings are to be designed similarly to the Survey Corps' iconic Wings of Freedom.

During battle, it might be easier to differentiate between Military Doctors and regular Scouts with these different logos. You also proposed for Military Doctors to have different coloured jackets or capes, but that was a discussion for another time. Erwin agreed, and he also gave you a heads up to prepare for an influx of new recruits coming into the regiment.

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