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The drive to the Bakugos house was nice. You would have teleported there, but you didn't know where to go. You entered the house and Mitsuki told you to make yourself at home while she started making dinner.

Once you walked in you set Katsuki down, you walked around the living room to look at the pictures. You saw one of Katsuki as a child and of course he looks the same. "It's weird to see him like this right now in the picture..." You say to yourself not thinking someone was walking up to you. "I know... if you think he was chill as a kid you were wrong." Masaru says. "He was just as ambitious as he is now, well his 16-year-old self that is." you both laugh and look at the pictures.

"So, you and my son-?" He asks in a shy kind of way. "Huh? Oh no! Haha we actually arnt even that close. We actually got close if you can say that like a week ago. Actually, when he was turned into a baby... I mean I'm not really complaining or anything, but we never really talked I mean he would pick on me, but he was like that with everybody too, sometimes I thought he picked on me more than others but I-" you were cut off by him laughing.

You look at him confused but were interrupted again by a tug on your finger. You looked down and saw Katsuki looking up at you with eager eyes. "What bab- uh. Yes Katsuki?" You briefly look at Masaru to see if he noticed. I don't think he did he's still laughing a little.

Katsuki does the potty dance. "I got him! Y/N dinner is ready!" Mitsuki says while picking up her baby. "Masaru baby will you and Y/N set the table?" She says while walking away from us.


"Well, Y/N? What is your quirk?"

You look up from feeding Katsuki his applesauce because you forgot to bring that with you from the school so you used your quirk, and he would only let you feed him. Plus, you didn't mind.

"Uh, haha I can teleport." You smiled up at them. "Oh, my goodness your right!" Sorry dear. Flew over my mind." "You're good! I kind of use my quirk in a 'secretive' kind of way. I think it will help me in combat and missions in the future. Like the element of surprise! I like seeing the look on people faces in combat when they find out a second too late that I have won."

Mitsuki and Masaru watch you feed there 'currently' baby boy applesauce and talk to them while your face beams with excitement. "Yeah, and I remember the first time I trained with Bakugo at school, the look on HiS FACE!!! Hahahah man he did not like me after THAT fight!" You chuckle at him. "No, you did not!"

"How so?" Mitsuki asked you with her head on her hand rested on the table while holding Masaru's hand under the table.

"Weeeeell... after hand-to-hand combat, he started to use his quirk and at the time I didn't know what his quirk was and vice versa. So, after the first time he used his quirk on me I obviously didn't like that, but I thought of a way that I might win, and I wasn't sure if it would work but I waited for him to use his quirk on me again and instead of the explosion hitting me..."

*They both gasp*"No way! It hit HIM!?!?"

You look at them with fear. "Uh-wait-" "THAT IS AMAZING Y/N!! Did you win the fight?"

"I- I did.. yes ma'am."

"Oh, wow! You must have been real proud huh! I know my idiot son must have been really happy with the outcome!" She laughs because she knows how angry he would have been losing.

Baby Bakugo x Fem!Reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now