oh no...

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You hear your alarm but too lazy to turn around to turn it off. Not opening your eyes, you feel an arm. Around your waist. You feel breathing on the back of your neck. The alarm clock goes off again and you for some reason can't turn around even though you are now fully awake. Slowly you open your eyes to find baby Bakugo in front of you and maybe Kiri slept in here last night and you forgot or something.  

Curious to if Kiri slept in here last night, you turn around after not finding the baby in front of you. Nope! Not Kiri you see. You see your one and only classmate Bakugo Katsuki. 


You jolt the covers off of you and was going to jump out of bed, but he was blocking you seeing as he was on the side of the bed not by the wall and you freeze midair. HE'S BACK TO HIS 16-YEAR-OLD SELF!!! 

You rub your eyes and hear him growl a little due to the lack of covers. You now noticing he is completely naked. his baby clothes he wore LAST NIGHT were ripped up and laying in the bed next to him. 

"I thought I had one more day???" You accidentally say out loud waking Bakugo up. He rubs his face and looks around then at you who is awkwardly sitting in the bed like you were almost on top of him but not. Also, that he is naked. 


"YOU ARE A PERV!"  "I AM NOT!" "THEN WHY WERE YOU LOOKING!" "Please don't ask me that cause I didn't know...I wasn't prepared... I'm still confused and shocked I thought I had one more day with you as a baby!"

You loudly gasp! "Do YOU remember being a baby?" 

Bakugo looks at you confused...doesn't answer you but stares at you like YOUR'E the crazy person here. "Ugh nvm just here" YOU hand him a robe " I can go to your room and get you clothes, or you can go-" "No you do it I'm not walking out of here with your robe on and getting bombarded by those extras if they see me leave your room in nothing BUT A ROB THAT ISNT MINE!" "Fine" You put your hands up in defense "I'll go get your uniform." Because today is Friday, and you still have freaking school. 


You get back to your room after getting his clothes and having a menty-B on the way to his room about what the hell just happened! 

"Took you long enough" He snatched the clothes out of your hands and waited for you to turn around as if you didn't bathe him as a baby and just saw his whole self butt ass naked 5 minutes ago. But you turn around any way and wait for him to get dressed. You hear movement and wait for him to say something, but he just walks out of your room. Slamming the door. 

UGH you say as you plop down on your bed face down. "What? Like what just happened?... Whatever I have to get ready for school. I don't want to goooooooo!"


Getting to the classroom you walk in, and everyone is already there of course. You go to your desk hopefully no one asks you abou- "Hey Y/N where is Bakugo?" Your face getting red you look down at your desk that you almost reached successfully. You sigh but before you can say anything you get interrupted by Midoriya saying "Kachaan your back!"  You take this chance to sit down at your desk not looking up. Everyone tries to talk to Bakugo and completely forgetting about you which you don't mind. 

Not looking in his direction you can feel his stare drilling holes in the side of your head. Biting your lip, you stay strong and don't look over at him. He yells at everyone to "FUCK OFF" Which is normal and some leave except the Baku squad. He ignores them but gets on his phone. Something you thought was a good way to distract you from everyone. 

"Dude! Do you remember anything?" Sero asks him. Kirishima adds "Yeah you would not let anyone hold you or take care of you except Y/N! Not even your own parents' man!" 

Kirishima for the love of anything you love SHUT UP! 

"What the hell are you on about?" Bakugo yells at them. "Woah so you don't remember anything this past week?" Jirou now adds since everyone in the class is intrigued. 

"Man, I was hoping you would tell me how Y/N's boobs felt since you layed on them all the time!" Mineta adds. 

Aizawa walks in and greets the class and acknowledges that Bakugo is back but only briefly. He walks over to his desk and plops papers down on his desk " This is the missing work you need to make up." And then he leaves and starts to teach for a second but gets into his sleeping bag. 

You mentally groan hoping he would use today as one of those days he teaches all throughout class but NoOoOo of course he doesn't. Mina immediately turns to me and asks what happened. 

I gave he a vague description and left it at that, but she didn't. "He turned into his normal self and then we continued on our day!" "Does he remember?" Kirishima asks.

This time you take a small glance over at him, but he is already staring at you with an unamused expression. You wince a little and turn back to Mina and Kirishima. "No, I don't think he does..." "Awe, well I'm sorry Y/N." "Don't be lol things will go back to normal and its cool!" 


Lunch comes around and you get up last in the class because you don't want to run into them and talk more about what happened this morning. Getting up and leaving the room Bakugo closes the door on you before you could leave. It's just you and him in the classroom now. He looks down on you with an angry expression. 

You gulp, "Can I help you, Bakugo?" "Bakugo?" He asks in confusion.

You tilt your head in confusion now. "Yeah, that's your name." you gasp and look at him shocked! "OH my gosh do you know who you are!?! Did they wipe your memory completely?" 

He starts walking to you slowly, you step back every time. He smirks at you with evil in his eyes. 

"No, you idiot, why are you calling me Bakugo?" You back up so far and hit the desks, looking back for a split second to move away from them and continue to get away from Bakugo, you answer him. "What are you saying? Thats your name! I've always called you that!" Well, except for this past week but you obvi don't remember that so. 

Bakugo laughs at your answer.  At the same time your back hits the wall. "I thought you called me 'baby'" he says slowly. 

Your eyes widen. He puts his hands on the wall next to your head and leans down a bit. He's trying to intimidate me. Act casual Y/N! Don't let him win this... this??? Whatever this is! 

Staring in your now terrified eyes he smirks leans the closest he possibly can without touching you and whispers in your ear "I remember everything." 

You are a panting mess now still on the wall shocked. He leans back and takes one good look at you then walks to the door. Before he leaves you all alone in the room he stops at the door, looks at you over his shoulder and winks. 

Leaving you all alone. 


Words: 1333

Uhhhhhh....So, that's the end of the story! I couldn't ever figure out how I would finish the story, but I hope you like it. Let me know if you want a Sequel??? I think I could take this and run with it? 

Anyway I had fun writing this! I hope you liked it as well! I love reading your comments! Hahah Thank you for reading this. 

Baby Bakugo x Fem!Reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now