chapter 10- lady Leana

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so much death surrounded Y/N, the death of her father, grandsire and not the death of the lady Leana. when would the tragedy stop.

Y/N was silent the last few weeks at Dragonstone. although no one could blame her they cant imagine what she's going through, not enough lemon cakes in the world could fill the void in her heart.

Rhaenyra and her family had taken her under there wing, like they had for the last 10 years she lived at kingslanding. despite her protests to go to the lady Leana's funeral. but she said it would be go to have a change of scenery and meet some new people.

over the 2 weeks she was at Dragonstone her and leanor had become close, they both felt the same grief. she also had to force him to attend the funeral of his sister.

the ship to drift mark was quick and smooth sailing, Luke was greensick before the ship even left the harbour which was not a good thing for the futter lord of the tides.

as they arrived at drift mark she was given hugs and condolences for the loss of her father and grandsire which didn't help much.

Aegon was the first to meet her before the funeral started. he looked angry for some reason but he hid it under a fake smile.

"hello my dear betrothed" he spoke tucking hair behind her ear.

"good morrow Aegon" she said picking at her nails.

"im sorry about your father and grandsire" he said taking her hands in his.

"thank you my prince" she spoke kissing his cheek before walking of to were the ceremony was taking place.

Jace watched from afar rage filled him, she was his.


everyone stood around the oesophagus of the lady Leana as her uncle vaemond made a speech. not everyone understood what he was saying but Y/N understood a little but not enough to understand why daemon Targaryen, the rouge prince was laughing at his wife's funeral.

after the rude introduction Vaemond continued talking and her tomb fell into the sea.


"you two have nothing in common" spoke Aegon taking a sip out of his wine glass.

"she is to be my future wife" stated Aemond annoyed

Y/N stood there next to her betrothed confused about there conversation

"I am to preform my duty and keep are Targaryen blood pure" continued Aemond

Aegon scoffed and dragged Y/N away.


Y/N was alone most of the funeral, but Rhaenyra said she should try make new friends, so she looked at beala and rheyna. the 2 girls had just lost there mother they could use a kind word, she walked over to the girls looking down to the ground trying to feel less awkward.

"I- im sorry about your mother, its never easy losing a parent" she spoke looking at the girls.

"are you the lady strong?" beala asked looking at Y/N

"umm yes princess I am" she said lowering her head one more.

rheyna moved over on the bench taping the space for her to sit. as she sat rheyna took her hand and squeezed it gently. as Y/N was about to say something Jace walked over to the girls and didn't say anything, but beala grabbed his hand.

rhaenys the girl's grandmother walked over to them and that was Y/N's sign to leave. after Rhaenyra approached Jace and Y/N she told the to get to bed despite there protests they obliged.

but before retiring for the night she had 2 people she wished to talk to.

she walked to aemond and she smiled and wished him good night and kissed his cheek.

then she made her way down stairs to a drunk Aegon.

"Aegon, I came to say good night but you seem to be occupied" she said crouching down to his level

lord otto came down the stairs looking at Y/N and Aegon.

"my lady Y/N" otto said coming down the stairs and it startled Y/N

"my lord hand" she said standing and bowing her head.

"please leave me and my grandson, i shall help him to his chambers" he spoke with a fake smile.

"of course my lord" she said finally and leaving to go to her chambers.


Miss lady strong - hotd fan ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora