chapter 11- she was mine to claim!

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"Y/N ,Y/N wake up" spoke Jace surrounded by beala rheyna and little Luke.

"ugh what" she angrily spoke sitting out of her bed

"someone stole vhagar" beala whispered.

"what?" she faintly spoke getting out of bed and following the rest of the kids down to meet the person who had taken vhagar.

as they arrived to the entrance of the castle the yawl the culprit emerge from the shadows, aemond

"its him!" shouted rheyna

"its me" he replied smugly

"vhagar is my mothers dragon!" she shouted back

"your mothers dead" he replied

"aemond!" Y/N scolded

"it doesn't matter, vhagar has a new rider now" he said looking at Y/N.

"she was mine to claim!" stated rheyna

"then you should of claimed her! maybe out cousins could find you a pig to ride" aemond chuckled seeing how angry everyone was

"it would suit you" he said before he got hold of rheyna and shoved her to the ground.

"rheyna! are you ok?" spoke Y/N rushing over to her cheeking her for injuries.

then beala punched aemond is defence of her sister, and suffered a swing to the side of the head.

"BEALA!" rheyna bellowed.


then Jace punched aemond in the face causing aemond to retaliate by kicking him to the floor.

"AEMOND STOP!" shouted Y/N but he didn't listen

then poor Luke tried to defend Jace and ran at aemond causing aemond to punch in his nose.

then all the kids but Y/N started punching him down but he escaped there grasp easily and griped Luke by the neck and he picked up a rock.

"you will die screaming in flames just as your father did, Bastards!" aemond shouted skill griping Luke's neck and holding the rock above his head. and he went to smash it down on his head, that was the last straw for Y/N using her fathers death as a way to annoy his nephews.

she ran Infront Luke pushing him out of the way, causing her to take the hit from the rock.

"Y/N !!!" the girls and Luke screamed rushing over to her.

aemond smile had fades realising what he had done.

but Jace had pulled out his knife he had stored and swung at aemond and he dodged it, punching aemond in the face causing him to drop the knife. Luke crawled over to the knife as Jace threw sand his aemond eyes and Luke grabbed the blade and slashed one of Aemond's eyes.

the last thing Y/N heard was the shouting of the guards. rushing into the room.

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