Chapter 26: Hunted

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It's no challenge to keep myself awake. Trevus went to sleep an hour ago, but my eyes are wide open. Tomorrow we'll arrive at Nepolis. My time is up.

This city is no larger than Antiock, but it's far rowdier. Even at midnight, the mumbling drunk men wandering the street outside are still audible.

I slowly sit up, my gaze fixed to Trevus. He doesn't stir, and his eyes remain closed.

I climb off the bed and walk straight to the door. The key is where I left it in the lock. Trevus should have kept it on his person, but tonight it slipped his mind. He was distracted. I turn the key, and the lock disengages with a soft click. He's never distracted.

I pull the door open and step over the threshold. A streak of moonlight illuminates Trevus's large frame. His side rises and falls with each breath. He'll be devastated when he wakes up to find I'm gone. I can't help to him. My sorcery is a curse, to me and all who wish to use it.

I shouldn't think twice about leaving a man holding me against my will, but the guilty feeling still lingers in my heart. I sympathize with his quest to find his mother, and I wish it could be fulfilled, but it's impossible. I want him to understand. He deserves to know what happened.

The quill on the desk catches my attention. A small sheet of papyrus lies waiting. I go to the desk, taking slow, careful steps.

Dipping the quill in the ink, I scribble the words I would say if I wasn't so scared of his sword.

Dear Trevus

I can't continue on your quest. The woman who died at my hands ten years ago is your Mother, Mehlia. I have no doubt. I heard her name and saw her face. I'm sorry. I hope that one day you'll forgive me.

Trevus shifts in bed. My gaze jumps to him. I sit frozen, ready to crumple up the sheet should he rise.

His body lies still. I sign the letter – Jade, and head out the room, closing the door without a sound. Goodbye, Trevus.

Moving with speed now, I hurry down the stairs to ground level. The tavern is empty, but dirty mugs litter tables and a fireplace still burns in the corner. The innkeeper must be coming back soon.

Empty taverns are eerie. It's as if all the patrons were suddenly whisked away with the wind. Pushing the creepy feeling aside, I slip around the tables and make my way to the front door. Speaking with the Mephian guards will be my first course of action. If they don't offer sanctuary, I'll seek refuge in a home. There must be at least one kind family in Sisarea.

The sight outside the tavern makes my heart jump. I whip the door closed again. There are at least thirty soldiers out there in black and gray oban uniforms. This is not Versillia. What are they doing here?

Looking over my black dress, the seriousness of my situation becomes apparent. At least with my oban, I could have hoped to slip past them unnoticed. Sisarea is a Mephian city. Are they here to raze this place to the ground like they did Balin?

I open the door an inch and peer through. The men are spreading out. I was wrong – there are far more than thirty. This is an entire army. It's an escalation of war.

A woman's scream echoes through the town. The soldiers' shields are painted with familiar emerald stripes. These are soldiers of House Cerillis, the same horsemen that pursued us at the trade post. It's Regent Evecius's army, the ones who are marching to Nepolis under the lie of saving King Tytius, causing the battle that triggers his execution. They decided to stop here on their way, like Trevus and I did, except with less innocent intentions.

A man with a crimson stripe across his shoulders stands on a log of wood. He's a captain like Trevus, but he's much older. "Hear me, hear me," the captain shouts. "Reveal the Mephian witches and wizards." He raises a curved sword into the air. "Here on this tree, they shall be bisected with the blade blessed by Nomier! Collect your rahlite and dig them out!"

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