Chapter 38: Interrogation

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I wait under the gaze of the wooden panther on Trevus's office door. I've already knocked once, but there's no answer. No soldiers came in the night, so he couldn't have made a report. I assume that means I'm still the prince's assistant.

I knock a second time. Perhaps he left the palace to search the city for Jade. What would he do if he actually found me?

"Enter," Trevus calls. He's here.

I step inside and close the door. He's writing at his desk, just like nearly every other morning. He didn't go looking, but he may still. I ask him – "Shall you search-"

"Stop." His voice booms. "Never repeat your words of yesterday, neither to my ears or any others."

My lips stay shut.

"Versillia's court shall not look upon colluders as mercifully as I," he says.

Does he not want to be reminded of Jade, or is he concerned that a search party would comb through the city, putting my life in danger?

He holds a folded letter over his shoulder. "To Lord Qualthalius." I take it.

On my way out, there's another knock on the door.

I answer and quickly step back at the appearance of two large, frightening guards in black obans. My stomach sinks. Are they here for me? Was the mention of 'Jade' only enough to distract Trevus in the moment?

"His Majesty King of Versillia requests the Prince's presence," one soldier says.

They're not here for my arrest. Thank goodness.

Trevus doesn't turn from his desk. "I am encumbered with duty," he says.

"Your Majesty, the King of Versillia insists," the soldier says.

"If my presence is of such great significance, would he not have made the journey himself?"

Both soldiers look at each other. One tugs on his collar. They're nervous. "Your Majesty, he shall be greatly displeased with us should we return empty handed."

They're trapped between the prince and the king. Trevus sighs and stands. "Very well." He passes the guards, and they follow behind him. I stay at the office door.

"Raylia," Trevus calls, "If I must waste my time, you shall too."

I hurry after him, catching up to walk at his side.

We head downstairs to the third level. Two guards open a set of double doors, revealing a wide room with a low ceiling.

A long open window stretches across the back wall, the blue morning light broken only by the silhouette of the king. I recognize him by the golden thread woven throughout the back of his black and purple oban, along with the short silver crown on his head. He's looking out over the city. This room faces the palace rear, sharing the same view with my bedroom.

Trevus steps down to the lower area with the king. They're separated by a large triangular table.

The soldiers close the doors. I stay with the two at the edge of the room. A scribe sits at the table corner, ink and paper ready.

The king turns his attention to Trevus. "You are summoned to share your knowledge of the Seventh. I shall scour the kingdom and beyond, commencing with her place of origin, a pitiful mit settlement south of Ephesus. Hints to her aspirations, habits and preferences would prove valuable."

He's strategizing about my search, unaware that I share the room with him. At least I finally have a name for the place where I lived before my abduction – a village south of Ephesus.

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