Chapter 12 - The tulkun have returned!

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I was woken up by the sound of a horn. I yawned groaning. Suddenly tuk opened my curtains. "The tulkun have returned." She yelled excitedly pulling me off my bed. My eyes widened. Tulkun. Ronal. I smiled. "Come on!" Tuk said pulling my hand.

"Tuk I'm still in my pyjamas!" I said excitedly as she bullied me to the woven platform.

"Oh well! It's only water. Call suki!" She said sitting down on the platform. I shook my head with a smile and whistled. Suki appeared In-front of tuk and I. I pat her head to say hello and carefully slid onto her. I reached out to grab tuk and sat her in-front of me.

"Tuk, I need to find ronal!" I yelled to her over the sound of the horn and the excitement of the na'vi people next to us. I peeked over tuks head and was greeted with an amazing sight. A pod of tulkun swam happily toward us. Tuk squiled as one swam past us splashing us on the way.

Suddenly I arms wrapped around my foot and before I knew it I was pulled under. I gasped as my head went underwater. I turned around looking at the culprit. Neteyam. That cheeky skxwang. I smile and emerged from the water. Him right behind me.

"Good morning gorgeous." He said with a toothy smile. I shook my head smiling.

"Good morning to you to 'teyam. but what was that for skxwang!" I said splashing him with water. Tuk giggling from above. Neteyam wiped his face.

"It was a surprise obviously! A little wake-up call. You know you should be more aware of your surroundings." He said nudging me. I rolled my eyes.

"Yea, yea whatever asshole." I said turning around. To ignore him but my face was met with Ronals. Shit maybe I should be more aware of your surroundings. She smiled at me while rasing her non-existent eyebrows.

"Hello Sophie. Now enough fooling around. Get on." She said gesturing her hands to behind her ilu. I didn't even have time to respond or say goodbye out of fear of her disapproval. I quickly got behind her and held onto her lightly.

"Look after suki!" I said before ronal told her ilu to quickly swim off. I wonder what she wanted to show me. I believe it must be something to do with the tulkun. Maybe she wants me to meet her tulkun. Suddenly the ilu stopped and ronal slowly slid off.

"Follow me." She said before diving down. I quickly followed. Underneath the surface was a tulkun, who looked very excited to see ronal. I swam carefully behind her not wanting to scare the tulkun. As we got close to it ronal signed. 'Sister, I see you.' The tulkun replied happily with a click. Somehow I could understand what the tulkun was saying, as if it was English.

'I see you sister. I am happy." Is what u got out of the tulkuns clicks. Ronal turned around to me waving me over.

'Can you understand my sister.' She signed looking at me with wonder. I just nodded. She smiled. She turned towards the tulkun. She nodded to her showing it was safe. Suddenly from under Ronals sisters fin emerged a baby calf. My heart practically melted on the spot. My jaw dropped and I felt overjoyed. The baby calf chirped happily. I looked at ronal then to her sister.

''may I?" I sighed thrn signalled over to the calf. She chirped signalling it was ok. I swam over calmly to the calf. Moving a bit away from ronal and her spirit sister. I worked out that the baby calf is a boy. He swam around me before gently rubbing his body against mine. My dreams are coming true.


I spent the entire day with the baby tulkun and his mother. Telling him stories and having a laugh, aswell as swimming with the calf holding his fin. I was signing peacefully will laying on the calf fin when suddenly ronal tapped my leg. I let go of the calf and turned around. 'Something has happened you are needed back at the hut.' She sighed before swimming above the water. I followed right behind her confused. As we emerged I realised how tired my body was from all the swimming. I'm going to need a huge nap when I'm back at the hut. Ronal then broke me out of my thought by calling her ilu.

"Do you know why they want me?" I asked her as her ilu emerged. She shook her head.

"No. But it must be important. Tell Jake sully I must speak with him later." She said slowly sliding onto her ilu. I slipped on behind her.

Before I knew it we were back at the hut. She got as close as she could so that it would be easier for me to get off. I paused.

"Thank you for today. And the opportunity to meet your spirit sister's calf. He is truly gorgeous." I said before hoisting myself up onto the woven platform. She smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She said before riding off. Suddenly my attention was turned to noise coming inside the tent. I slowly walked in and saw Jake and neytiri frantically talking. I stood at the doorway entrance. Neteyam quickly caught my gaze, as our eyes met. His lips slightly parted and he got up quickly and rushed over to me. He didn't say a word and his looked at me. His hands rested gently on my shoulders. I caved in and hugged his torso with a sigh. His chin rested on my head and his left hand went into my hair, playing with it.

"Sophie! There you are. Where were you." Jake says hurriedly. Neteyam and I broke away. I moved infront of him facing the group.

"Uh, ronal introduced me to her spirit sister's calf." I said with a huge smile on the end. I heard Kiri gasp in shock. I felt neteyam pick up some strands of my hair and started braiding them from behind. Jake and neytiri looked at each other confused.

"Ronal? Let you? She hates humans. What happened?" Neytiri asked rushing over. Bending down so she was my height.

"I'll explain later. What is going on now??" I asked calmly as Neteyam relaxed me by braiding my hair. I wish I could sleep right now that's how relaxed I felt.

"Quaritch is looking for us." Jake said with a stern look. A raised a brow.

"Yes. I know that ?" I said looking at him confused. I crossed my arms as I felt neteyam move on to doing another braid.

"I mean. He is looking for us here. In the omatikaya clans. He is in the south right now, so he has not found us yet. But he will eventually." Jake finished. I felt my heart stop. My lungs not wanting to breathe.

"Di..did he have spider." I said with a stutter as my lungs breathed again. Neteyam stopped braiding my hair and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Tonowari told me they had a human boy who speaks na'vi. So I believe it must be spider." Jake said giving me a sorrowful look. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Dad. Are we leaving?" Neteyam asked from behind me. Jake looked back at neytiri, before sighing and turning back to neteyam and I.

"No. The clan is keeping us safe. They will not tell them where we are." Jake said before returning to his wife. I sighed and slowly took neteyams hands off before walking inside. I felt his footsteps behind me. I sat down on my bed and he followed straight after me.

"So..What was it like with the tulkun." He asked me. I smiled before answering.

"It was magical."

Hi everyone I'm so sorry for the wait. I have just had so much on with school and work that I couldn't find any time to write. This chapter is a bit sloppy so I will come back and edit it. But I just wanted to give u all something to read first. Anyway I hope you enjoy it and please vote and comment! New part coming asap! Also please follow me if you enjoy the story!

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