business woman 2

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A couple weeks later they finally cleared their schedule so he could have time to cook for her

Y-"oh hey early are u"

Zay-"I like to be on time'

She smiled and let him in

Y-"I didn't expect u to bring groceries with u"

Zay-"why not'

She closed the door

She shrugged

Y-"idk follow me"

He did as she said he put the stuff down and put his hands out she put her arms tight around his neck he put his around her tight


She inhaled his cologne and held onto him as her eyelids closed over her eyes


He rubbed on her back

Skip time

Zay-"u missed me huh"

She said nothing he tapped her and sat up


She moved her hands and played with her fingers he smiled

Zay-"it's ok u finished working"

Y-"for today yes"

Zay-"we might have to find u a less stressful job"

Y-"like what"

Zay-"idk doing what I do as my royal queen"

They laughed a little

Y-"what does that consist of"

Zay-"I write your name down u fill in your information and we split my current profit"

Y-"this is legal"

Zay-"of course it's legal I'm to handsome to go to jail'

She smiled

Y-"u are very handsome"

Zay-"don't get me started on how gorgeous u are,c

Y-"can we not do this again"

Zay-"oh my goodness have u seen u..."

He rambled on and on about how beautiful she was

Skip time

Y-"okaayyyyy I get it!!!"

She laughed and he smiled and let her go

Y-"thank u"

Zay-"your very welcome"

She smiled

Y-"anyway I'll let u get busy pots down there frying pans next to it their organized large to small from bottom to top the pots are from left to right utensils these four mixing stuff the oje under the third-"

Zay-"yn honey bun"


Zay-"I'll figure it out thank u'

She smiled

Y-"your welcome"

Zay-"I might get hot and if I do do u mind me taking my shirt off"

Y-"no I don't mind as long as u not sweating in my food"

Zay-"yes ma'am"

Y-"mkay if u need me call me I might come down to check on u anyway"

Zay-"yes ma'am'


She turned his head away he laughed

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now