Chapter 13 [Julie]

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I can't believe he's a thief. How could he lie to me? No wonder he can afford the Redwood. But wasn't he on scholarship? I thought he said that.

Ugh who cares. He's a thief and I should avoid such people who are being pursued by some... gangsters!!!!!

I should have known already when he was sitting alone inside the wrecked area. He was kind of unconscious. He must have been tired dealing with those dangerous people.

I'll never see him again. I'll never talk to him again. Why do I always attract the wrong people? It's always a cocky bastard, a hard to get handsome man, and now this thief.

Ahh! Please God, make my life a bit easier. At least don't entangle me with crazy people. That's the least I'm asking. Is it too much to ask? Like seriously?

I get up from my seat and come out of the cafeteria. It's my literature class.
And unfortunately I forgot to do my assignment.

I was chased by rich crackheads of redwood before the last lecture and it was necessary to save myself first. I didn't get the chance to take the class.

And I'm such a special child who clearly lacks any sincere friend or classmate here. So I don't even have the notes or any kinda helping material.

I think I should better drown myself into the ocean.

Now that I've missed my assignment I've to bunk the class again. I got no other options. Ahhhh! Why do I have to live like this?

It's fine, Julie. I'll do better next time. But right now, I need to be out of the class. But where should I spend the whole hour?

I wander through the school halls, trying to find the perfect spot to hide for an hour. First, I peek into the library, but it's too quiet and everyone's studying.

Then, I tiptoe past the gym. There's a basketball game going on, and it's too loud. And there are so many people so I'll pass.

I remember hearing about a cool place - the science lab. I go there to take a look. I'm a literature student, so science projects look fancy to me. I like how they experiment with different things to make a new one.

Oops!! It's locked.

Bummer! I keep on walking, feeling like a little explorer. Suddenly, I spot a sign that says "Botanical Garden." Hmm, that sounds interesting.

I remember I saw it from a distance the first day I got here. But I never went inside. This time I'll go and see what type of flowers it has.

I step into the botanical garden, and it's like entering a magical realm of colours and scents. Everywhere I look, there are plants standing proud, each with a little name tag as if introducing themselves.

As I stroll, I come across a plant with Elephant ear plants with stunning golden veins on deep green leaves. The tag says "Alocasia amazonica." Such a weird name.

I move to the other one and it got a weirder name than the previous one,
"Paphiopedilum insigne." It looks like orchids with petals that resemble elegant, otherworldly slippers.

I march to other routes exploring the beauty of this garden. I discover many other plants which I've never seen before- Sansevieria trifasciata, Lophophora williamsi, Quercus robur, and so on.

These science students do see striking exquisitic plants and flowers everyday.
They must be researching them too. I would be doing the same if it wasn't for my stupid Brain.

I take my stroll further and encounter a common looking plant. It's looking so simple unlike other appealing and ravishing plants. I extend my arm to touch its green leaves.

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