Chapter 20 [Julie]

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After Elise leaves, I take a warm bath and put on random clothes from the closet—a brown sweater and black jacket on top of it, layering it with denim jeans and rusty joggers. I already wasted time dealing with him, I can't be late from school now. 

I walk to the bus stop and wait for the school bus. I get on it when it arrives. It takes half an hour to reach there, so I revise my notes. 

I arrive at school and get off the bus. I walk to the entrance and enter the building. I go to my locker and put away my things. I take out my books and my notebook. I check my schedule. I have history and English before the lab. I hope the time goes by fast. 

I have an important meeting with the crazy bastard. I'm talking about Malcolm. What does he want now? Why did he call me to meet in the lab? 

I will make myself clear today at any cost. I want to end this. I don't want to extend our interactions. Also, I'm sick of his insulting remarks and attitude. What does he take me for?

I reach my class and sneak in toward the last chair to avoid abnormal greetings and stares. All of them are aware of me now. It's not a big deal though. But for them, it's a sin to be middle class student who's studying on scholarship. 

The English teacher walks into the classroom, holding a thick book in his hand. He smiles and greets the students, who are sitting at their desks, chatting and texting.

"Good morning, class. Today we're going to discuss one of the greatest works of literature ever written: Hamlet by William Shakespeare. I hope you all read the assigned chapters and prepared some questions and comments."

He puts the book on his desk and opens it. He scans the room, looking for a volunteer to start the discussion.

"Anyone? Don't be shy. This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions on this masterpiece."

He points at a random student, who looks up from his phone and shrugs.

"I don't know. It's boring and confusing. I don't get what's the point of all the talking and killing."

The teacher sighs and shakes his head.

"Come on, there's more to it than that.” 

I raise my hand to answer his question. I’ve prepared the assignment and also I need to make up for the missed classes. So this is the best chance for me to prove my worth. 

“Yes, Miss.” He gestures toward me.

“This is a play about the human condition, about the conflict between reason and emotion, between action and inaction, between life and death.”

“Very well. Please proceed with your answer.” 

“It's a play that explores the themes of madness, revenge, love, betrayal, and morality. A play that challenges us to think and feel deeply about ourselves and our place in the world."

He looks around the room again, hoping for someone else to respond. 

"How about you, Nate? Do you have something interesting to say? What did you think of Hamlet?"

He is sitting in the front row, resting his head against the table. He lifts his head, “I think nothing,” then goes to the same position again. 

The teacher glances at me, “You want to add more into it, Miss…”

“Juliana, sir.” 

“Yes, Miss Juliana.” He crosses his hands and directs his attention at me.

"I think it's a brilliant and complex play that captures the essence of the human dilemma. I especially liked the character of Hamlet, who is a tragic hero that struggles with his inner demons and his external enemies. I think he represents the universal quest for meaning and purpose in a chaotic and cruel world."

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