I may be in diapers full time soon

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Hello all!

I've worn diapers on and off for the past two years. They bring me a lot of comfort, and I enjoy all the perks.

I've thought it over for awhile, and I've decided I'm going to ask my parents if I can be in diapers full time.
This does mean they may need to change me occasionally, but I do know how to do it myself. They know very little about my hobby of wearing diapers, so I predict I'll need to explain why I enjoy them.

Here's a list of the pros and cons that I'll tell them.


I have a naturally small bladder
my bladder does not hold much, so in public I'm often scrambling to find a toilet last minute since I don't like stopping tasks just to go on a bathroom trip

I am able to buy my own diapers
I am employed at my town's movie theater, and I am payed a bit over the minimum wage. I've bought diapers before so I know I can fit them into my budget.

I can change my own diaper
If either of you are hesitant to change me, don't worry. I've watched and practiced several ways of changing into a clean diaper and out of a dirty one.

I am extremely hygienic
I shower every other day, and I usually shower as soon as possible when I mess myself, so you don't have to worry about the stench


if I get sick, I may need to be changed
I have a generally good immune system, however so getting sick is of little issue, but this is a thing that may happen

I may become incontinent
using diapers full time will weaken my pelvic floor as I get used to using my pants as a toilet, which may lead to urge or full incontinence. we can discuss with my doctor this issue if you guys would like, but I am willing to take accountability if I do become incontinent.

and with that that's everything. I reckon I'll convince them, as I also have a slideshow that goes into more detail. However, if my parents say no to full time diaper wearing it's likely I'll still consider wearing them for fun.

I have a shipment of ABDL diapers coming on Christmas, so I may do my presentation sometime in the new year, I don't know.

Thank you for reading,
💫 Gwendolyn

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