Chapter 12: Reuniting

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(Note: It's been fun writing this fanfic and seeing people enjoy it so thank you. I have a chapter or 2 in mind for the story but those will come at a later date.)

Branch woke up again but it was in the middle of the day. He wasn't freaking out this time since he remembered what Floyd had said to him last night. About the baby being safe. He still needed to see for himself to make that judgment but he wasn't sure he could face—

Branch heard her voice as she talked with someone, probably his brothers. She started to become louder the closer she got so he quickly pulled the covers over himself and turned around to not face the door as it opened.


Nothing was said for a while when Branch suddenly felt the bed dip slightly and something came into his line of sight. It was then placed in front of him before he was tightly hugged from behind. He trembled while picking up the egg, their baby and held it close as tears happily escaped his eyes. He quickly turned around and hugged Poppy as his true colors slowly started to return.

"Please don't ever run off like that again, I'll always be there for you. So tell me if something is bothering you." She sniffled as she let him go but not completely.

"I know, I just... I panicked and left without thinking. I was going to come back like Bruce said but..." Branch shuttered at the thought of the other troll. It made him feel sick.

Poppy ended up grabbing his cheeks to get him to look at her but he couldn't hold eye contact for more than a split second. "Branch, please look at me."

Branch squeezed his eyes shut before finally, really looking at her. She looked so tired and stressed out. Even her colors weren't as bright as they normally were. "I'm sorry." He felt extremely guilty. "I-I'm s-sorry..."

"I know you are and I also know that you're blaming yourself for everything. Then if I say it isn't, you will argue with me and say that it is but I know the truth." Poppy smiled a little. "I know that you did everything to keep the baby safe. I'm sure you thought of a thousand and one different ways to get out of the situation without harming the baby and Tiny." She felt Branch nod his head.

"You were also tied up, dehydrated, starving and then you got sick towards the end so tell me, how were you going to get free?" Poppy asked when Branch couldn't answer so she did. "You couldn't, so don't blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault. You didn't choose any of that."

Branch could only nod more, she was right after all. The only thing he did wrong was leave that day. "Still, I'm sorry for suddenly leaving and not talking to you."

"It's okay, I would have freaked out too if I knew I was having a baby." Poppy hugged him tightly while sighing happily.

Branch chuckled a little as he hugged her back. God how he missed her. "Somehow I doubt that, you would have been excited." He was sure.

"I AM excited!" Poppy let go as she held the egg between them to show him. "Just look at our baby! Our baby!" She was so happy and giddy. She could barely contain herself.

Branch smiled as he gently touched the egg. It was warm and comforting. He was sure the baby was trying to cheer him up as well. "It's going to be okay." He spoke softly when Poppy placed a hand over his own while speaking, "It will be as long as we're together."

They shared one last hug but with the baby this time.


It was the next day when Branch sat up in bed, Poppy and their baby right beside him. He picked up the egg and examined it a little when Poppy sleepily rose up to kiss the baby before kissing him on the cheek. She then pulled him close as if she was about to kiss him on the lips.

Branch leaned into it and just as they were about to touch, she fell back down in a deep sleep. He had to withhold a laugh as he reached down and moved some hair away from her face before kissing her cheek back. He then safely tucked the egg halfway under the covers and placed Poppy's arm over it before getting out of bed.

He didn't want to leave them but he needed to talk to his brothers so he left his room and wandered out into the kitchen where the three of them were at.

"BITTY B!" John Dory rushed over as quickly as he could and tightly embraced his baby brother despite not reading the atmosphere.

Branch didn't mind though, it made things easier. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say those things the other night."

"Why are you apologizing? What you said was the truth and besides, you just woke up after a week and a half thinking the Baby was still kidnapped. You went through a lot, too much in fact." Clay was still angry at the troll who harmed his brother. Just thinking about it made his blood boil.

"Branch, we're just happy to have you back. Even if you hated us, we would still love you." Floyd spoke as he walked over and hugged his only younger brother.

"We're never going to separate again!" John Dory hugged them both.

Clay sighed as a smile graced his lips and he came over to join the hug for a moment before letting go.

"Oh, before I forget. Bruce said if you woke up while he wasn't here then to tell you he was sorry." Floyd spoke on his brother's behalf.

"Huh, why?" Branch couldn't remember if he did anything wrong or that maybe it was because he wasn't—

"He wanted to be here for you and that he felt bad for assuming Poppy was carrying the—" Floyd couldn't finish as he felt hands against his mouth.

"Don't say another word." Branch blushed slightly and embarrassingly.

"Ooohhooo, I see how it- AAaagghhh?!" John Dory yelped as he rubbed his side in pain.

"It's too soon to be teasing." Clay reprimanded the oldest.

"Wha? I barely said anything!" John pouted as Branch and Floyd chuckled a little.

The 4 of them were just talking when Poppy finally woke up with the baby and joined them.


It was a few days later when Branch brought it up. Something that Poppy hoped he wouldn't, not ever but she knew it was inevitable. 

"What should we name the baby? Do you have any ideas?" Branch asked as he watched his girlfriend become more and more nervous looking.

"Uhh... well... I do or I guess I did... there were some... a lot of different ones..." Poppy moved her hands around as she spoke nervously. She had so many.

Branch looked at her strangely for a moment as she beat around the bush before he stopped her. "Poppy, just tell me."

The pink troll took a deep breath before rushing everything out very quickly. "Tiny called the baby Shelly and she or he likes that name very very much. I tried different ones but the baby disliked all of them!"

Branch huffed a small laugh. "Well, it's not any worse than my own name or John Dory's." He still couldn't believe his brother was named after a fish.

"You're not upset?" Poppy questioned as she grabbed his cheeks and squished them in disbelief.

"Well, you named Tiny so I guess it's only fair. Besides, we could just say the baby is named after seashells." Branch laughed and smiled a little as he removed Poppy's hands and pulled her closer.

"Oh, I like that actually!" Poppy smiled brightly as she hugged him in excitement. She couldn't get enough of this.

The two separated briefly as they stared at each other for a moment before sharing a kiss. A
long awaited one.

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