Chapter 15: Egg Hatches

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Branch was having a nice picnic with Poppy and Shelly when he finally started to snap back to reality. "Ugh..." He shook his head from the hallucination when he realized his hands and feet were tied up. Not only that but he was on a raft heading downstream with the beach nowhere in sight.

Branch didn't want to believe it.

There was no way he was kidnapped once again.

"Did you finally come too? All I heard while you were out was Poppy this and Poppy that. Are you in love with her?" Chaz asked since he was somewhat disappointed.

"In love?! That's what you ask me after you tie me up?!" Branch was fuming. "I'm engaged to her you idiot!"

"Well, maybe spending some time with me will change your—" Chaz was suddenly hit with a fist full of pinkish-purple hair and knocked out of the boat along with his saxophone.

"Agggghhh, Jazz will forever live on, including my love!" Chaz said as he sank under the water. The only thing left of him were the bubbles that floated on top.

Branch wasn't even paying attention to the crazy troll anymore. He could only smile happily because Shelly had just burst from the egg and saved him.

"Sh-Shelly!" Branch cried a little as his daughter jumped down from his head and hugged him.

"Dad!" She excitedly smiled wide showing the only two teeth she had.

Branch was so proud of her at that moment that he wanted to hug her but couldn't because his hands were tied behind him. He was frustrated as he tried to free himself but failed. Shelly tried to help but she couldn't undo the knots with how small her hands were.

That's when Branch heard a 'SHHHHH' noise as it got closer which threw him in panic mode because he knew what that sound was. They were heading for a waterfall, a steep one at that. He looked around outside the boat to see if there was someplace to latch his hair onto but found nothing. Everything was out of reach.

Branch really didn't have much time to think about his options when all of a sudden the boat caught a current and flung them out, luckily, closer to the bank. He was able to grab Shelly with his hair and just reach to get her out of harm's way before he hit the water and was dragged under.

Branch gasped and coughed as he came up for air a few times. He struggled hard to stay afloat until he felt himself tumble over the edge. He squeeze his eyes shut, he didn't want to see his impending doom from the jagged rocks that awaited him below. He had so many regrets, especially with his— He opened his eyes because he was pretty sure he should have already reached the rocks by now.

Branch did in a way but they were below him while he floated, that's when he felt something tighten around his body. He looked up and saw Poppy, she had a hold of him with her hair. That wasn't all though, wrapped around her was Viva's, Clay was next, Floyd, and then John Dory had a hold of him while Ronda helped hold them all up by biting onto JD's hair. Shelly who was safe was clinging to the eldest as she cried.

"Come on Ronda, Pull!" John shouted because he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold them all up. This was pushing his limits to the max.

Once all was said and done, John pulled a small knife out and cut the ropes when Poppy and Shelly practically jumped the youngest. That's when he sat down and breathed a sigh of relief, as did the rest.

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