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Becky's POV

I turned towards Freen

"So, Where are you currently staying?" I asked her.

"Uh umm just some 5 star hotel near by." She rubbed her nape

"You could've told Richie I'm sure he would've let you stay with us." I chuckled lightly
"So which hotel are you currently staying at?"

"Uhh RPA Resort, I think it's the name." I was shocked, Did she Say RPA Resort?"

"Then let's head down there I want to see it." I turned to my friends, "Come on guys let's go." I signalled them to follow me.

"Umm Bec Why do you want to go to a hotel?" Irin asked

"You'll see, also I heard they have great water park there as well, Is that true Freen?"

"Well your not wrong I saw the water park but just haven't and wasn't planning to go."

"That's why we are going to it." I simply answered

" 2 things  first Are you sure they will allow us to just play at the Water park if we aren't staying at the hotel and second, even if they allowed where are we gonna get swim suits?" Non looked so puzzled

"I think there's some shops there we could buy it from," I said and continued walking

At the resort

We entered the resort and everyone was just staring at us, well more at me,

"Why is everyone staring at us." Freen leaned in and whispered in my ears

"There not staring at US there're Staring at ME." I said empathising  the 2 words.

We walked to the front desk and the receptionist greeted us

"After noon Miss Armstrong, sorry we didn't prepare anything as we weren't aware of your visit."

"That's alright Ms.Sue I know my visit is a bit unexpected." I chuckled, "anyways can we get the keys to my room and 2 VIP rooms please."  she nodded and left to get the keys,

I turned to see the others who have a rather confused face on them. "Don't worry I asked Richie and the driver to bring our stuff here." I smiled at them,

"Bec How do they know you  and how do you know them?" Freen  asked

"And What did you mean by Your room?" Friend intervened

"Well let's just say I owned this place and I have my own room here." I replied

"What!" They all said in unison

"Ok if you all don't believe me than what is my full name?"

"Rebecca." Said Non
"Patricia." Irin
"Armstrong?" Friend

"Good and so take the first letter of each of them to make my initial."

"R.P.A?" Freen answered

"And whats the name of this resort?" I laughed at there faces when they realised it.

"Here you go Miss Armstrong." Ms.Sue gave me the keys
"Thanks Ms.sue." I gave her a 50 pound note and her eyes sparkled as she thanked me.

We were walking to our rooms when I saw someone coming out of a room and her eyes met mine which made me stop in my tracks.
"Omg Rebecca is that really you?"

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