𝟏𝟔. 𝐍𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬

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SOFIA WOKE UP TANGLED IN Tom's arms, her head rested on his chest that was slowly going up and down. A little sunlight shone through the curtains, but not distracting enough to wake someone. Sofia looked at Tom, soft snores escaping his mouth. He looked like he was the most relaxed person on earth. Sofia took a glance at the clock that hung against the wall across from her. They had to be downstairs in an hour to meet with the others, and they still needed to eat after getting ready.

Sofia planted soft kisses on the side of his cheek trying to wake him up. His eyes softy fluttered open his eyes being met with Sofia's, a smile immediately forming on his lips.

"That's a nice way of waking up." He stretches his body trying to wake up his body. Sofia gets up from the mattress.

"We have to get ready and get breakfast, all in one, under a hour." Sofia exclaims walking into the bathroom, she starts brushing her teeth.

"Josh is gonna kill us if we're late." Tom rushes out of bed into the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush and starts brushing as well. After they finished brushing their teeth, Sofia takes the first shower and after she's done, Tom goes into the bathroom to shower and change.

When the two had their gear for the day, they went downstairs to eat something quick and meet up with the group.

"We are going sledding first and then we're going to the slopes to ski." Josh announces to the group. "It's a ten minute walk to the sledding slope, so it won't be long."

Everyone walked into pairs, Josh and Rachel upfront and Tom and Sofia in the back. Tom slips his hand into Sofia's when they started walking.

"I have had the most amazing year, the movie, new friends, working on projects and you." Sofia spoke. She never really reflected on the year she had, but this was one of her best years.

"My favourite thing this year was meeting you." Tom admitted to the brunette girl. Her lips curled up and a slight blush revealed itself on her cheeks. "I didn't think that when I first met you."

"I'm just happy where we are now." The two slowed down their walking pace from the group for a little more privacy. "I was just wondering... do you think this could be more?" Tom stopped walking for a second and regained his pace again.
He didn't respond for a while, he didn't know what to say to her.

"We shall see, it's very early to tell." He fake laughs, Sofia noticed that it was fake, she wasn't delusional. It hurt her that he couldn't give her a real answer. Was he scared to answer? Or was this just a fling for him? Sofia loosened her grip from his hand to fake adjust her beanie. She just wanted to have a little distance between the two.

Luckily the sledding slope was already in sight, so she wouldn't have to walk next to him. After regrouping Sofia went to Rachel, asking her to go down the slope together, not wanting to go with Tom for now. Everyone did their own thing and went down the slope. Rachel and Sofia having a blast going down the slopes, every single one was different.

SOFIA ANGRILY PUT HER FEET into the locks of her ski's. The thoughts of why she didn't get a clear answer from Tom was frustrating her. He didn't bother trying to talk at the sledding slopes. Everyone was already done and ready to go, but Sofia was too frustrated to even put her ski on.

"Just go up and go down the mountain, we'll meet downstairs at the mountain okay?" She reassured the group, they got in line of the ski lift to go up the mountain. Finally the last lock shut on her ski. Sofia put on her helmet and her goggles. Finally ready to go up the mountain, only to be met with a big line. When she finally arrived at the top of the mountain everyone was already halfway on the mountain.

Sofia went down the slope as fast as she could, to finally meet up find the group. Only to fall midway going down, Sofia fell down on her shoulder, she eventually stood up and went down, her shoulder still hurting.

"Ah there she is! That took you a while." Josh laughed, only to have a annoyed look back from the girl. "Did you fall?" He asked her, she was holding her shoulder with her hand.

"Yes, it will probably just bruise." Sofia shrugged it off. Tom walked over to her, one feet free from his snowboard.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, his hands resting on her cheeks. "We can go to a doctor and check?" Tom suggests. "Did you fall on your head or were you dizzy."

"I get dizzy from the questions." Sofia responded. "I'm fi-." And everything got a little darker....

Author speaks!!
A short one today, also I want some drama so here lol. I will probably rewrite this, because I wrote this at 2 AM at night. Please don't forget to vote and comment<3

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