|I wish for you everynight 🩷- Midnight Wishes|

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(Italics are used for memories.)

I Glance at my watch for the eighth time in the past half hour, "He should have arrived by now"-I muttered releasing a sigh.

"Sorry, I am so late" -He said rushing toward the table with an apologetic smile, before taking a seat next to me. "It's Okay"-I said with a smile, but my mind couldn't help but wonder-

"Huh, Am I late?"-I thought looking at my watch worriedly.

5:54 - No, I am not late, I am 6 minutes early - I thought looking toward the table on which Allan was sitting tapping his fingers on the wood almost nervously.

"Hi"-I said approaching him, my voice although soft but with an undertone of nervousness, because yeah! I am nervous.

"I hope it was not a bother to come here"-he said standing up from his chair and presenting a red rose in front of me.

I softly grabbed its stem, its fragrance was already reaching me proving that this was a freshly picked one.

So he not only came early but also bought a Rose with him even when knowing I would probably not come.

"Thanks"-I said putting the rose on the table with a smile.

He held the chair out for me to sit. "It's the bare minimum I can do," he said with a charming smile. I couldn't help but feel a blush creep up my cheeks as I sat down, feeling grateful for his chivalry. He pushed my chair in and took his seat across from me, his handsome smile making my heart skip a beat. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to me.

"-you want to order?"

"Huh?"-His voice snaps me out of my thoughts as I look toward Nicholas confused, what was he saying?

"What do you want to order?"-He said looking at me with his expression confused, that's when I realized that the waiter was standing there, and I was in my mind dwelling on the past.

"A New Year special combo"-I said glancing at the menu. The waiter nodded once again repeating the order before going away.

"Like no offense, but aren't you concerned about your weight-most girls are?"-Nicholas's voice rings in my ears as I look toward him confused, what does he mean? His next words make it quite clear-"I mean the New Year combo contains quite a lot of calories."

"Only this much!"-Allan said his expression perplexed and voice loud as his eyes was trailed toward my plate.

"Jeez, Calm down."-I said rubbing my ears, he can be quite loud when he wants to.

My eyes widen as I see him putting more food on my plate, oh my gosh what is he doing? It already contains too many calories!

"Hey, wait What are you doing? It is too much"- I said trying to grasp my plate but stop mid-way seeing his glare.

"If you will not eat, how are you going to be healthy?"-He mutters putting the plate which is now stuffed with calories, in front of me.

"It will increase my weight"-I said solemnly, my fork playing with the food in front of me.

He scoffed "Increase your weight, I doubt that will happen. You are as light as a feather-One day a strong wind will blow and blow you away too"- he said with a 'don't-you-dare-argue-with-me' tone. "So, eat all of this now."-He said like-ordered.

"Hmm"-I mutters eating the food and smiling, he was the first person who saw how I was starving myself.

"No, I am not"- I said putting the menu away from me. I can't believe it, I promised Indigo that, I would give Nicholas a chance-I would forget about him but here I am, comparing everything with him.

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