|Bleeding Hearts- #Loveatfirstbite|

23 5 15

Warning: Blood, Gore(slight), Self-harm, Death, Angst, Zombies.

The world has gone to hell with the spread of the new virus, family once happy and prosperous had turned into decomposing and hungry. The survivor's condition wasn't much better, they are fighting every day to be human one more day. Freya and Ethan, are facing the same battle with fate, but everything changed when Freya get bitten... but is it the end? 

Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.

Taking a roll to avoid the upcoming gross bloodied teeth, she squeezed the trigger, the recoil jolting through her arms. The undead creature staggered back, its grotesque face splattering with blood and brain matter. She had seen enough movies to know that headshots were the key, but it was still unsettling to watch the lifeless body slump to the ground.

The world had changed, and not for the better. Those once familiar faces now roamed the streets as the living dead, their hunger insatiable.

Freya takes the support of a nearby wall groaning in pain, this was not supposed to go like this--

It was supposed to be a harmless raid for more food, but she got stuck between those fleshy freaks--...and that was not even the worst part.

Her eyes that were blurred with tears, looked toward her arm that contained a pair of teeth marks-- The wound on her arm stung, and blood seeped from the pair of bloody punctures.

"No, not like this," she groaned, "this wasn't supposed to happen."

Tears fell down her cheeks as she realized her time was running short, she has barely four hours, five if luck was on her side. 

It's been six months now-- six months of this fight for survival, six months of seeing others turn, their humanity slipping away until they were nothing more than decomposing corpses. 

But she gone through all that, with him, Ethan, he was her only support, the only thing keeping her sane in this insane world.

But now, just in a snap, she was bitten--and she knew, now even he couldn't keep her sane. 

Beep. Beep. Beep. 

She keeps the walkie-talkie a little far from her lips as she tries to still her quivering lips. 

"Freya, Freya-- are you ok?" The panic in his voice makes her heart squeeze, how is she supposed to tell him that she is now bitten?

"I am okay," she said, her voice surprisingly still, "just encountered a bunch of those Maggots, will be there in twenty."

She cut the connection before he could ask something else, heaving a sigh she stood up wiping her eyes-- one thing good about this encounter, was that she gets her hand on a map that led to a house--which could most supposedly get them help-- but now, it was only for him.

She wiped her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped back into the desolate streets, her footsteps echoing her fading hope.


"Freya," his voice was basked with relief, as he took his beloved in his arms, she was out there for food, but his heartbeat was thundering with worry for her. 

She stilled in his arms, for a second wanting to pull away, but stopped-- right, this may be their last hug after all. She also wraps her hands around him keeping her head on his chest.

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