Ch 1: The Enigmatic Stranger

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The Kingdom of Neitreyi, with its sprawling landscapes and majestic palaces, was a sight to behold. Nestled amidst dense forests, the kingdom was known for its lush greenery and serene beauty. The sun cast its golden hue upon the verdant canopy, painting a tapestry of light and shadow. Birds sang their morning melodies, and the gentle hum of the forest was interrupted only by the distant rustle of leaves and the occasional call of wildlife. Prince Nivin, a young and valiant prince with raven-black hair and piercing brown eyes, rode through the forest on his mighty steed, searching for the thrill of the hunt. His presence in the forest was marked by the gleaming armor he wore and the banners that bore his family's crest. Accompanied by a few loyal guards, they scoured the woods, their eyes sharp and alert.

Satisfied with his hunt, Prince Nivin decided to head back to the castle when faint rustling sounds caught his attention. Motioning for his companions to stay back, he stealthily moved towards the source of the sound, his bow at the ready. Pushing aside the thick foliage, Nivin's eyes widened in surprise at the sight before him. Nivin stumbled upon a sight that made his heart race. A man, dressed in tattered clothes, lay motionless on the ground. Crimson stains marred his garments, indicating grievous wounds. It was evident that the man was not from the vicinity; his attire was foreign, and his features, though obscured by dirt and blood, bore an unfamiliarity to the prince.

Without a second thought, Prince Nivin dismounted and rushed to the man's side. His guards followed suit, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons, wary of potential danger. Though he was built much bigger than the prince, the man's feeble state was evident, and any threat he posed seemed long gone. "We must take him to the castle," Nivin declared, his voice firm with determination. The journey back to the castle was quiet, save for the soft groans of the wounded man. Upon their arrival, the prince ordered his servants to prepare a chamber for their unexpected guest. He then summoned the castle's healer, instructing him to tend to the stranger's wounds with utmost care.

Days turned into nights, and Prince Nivin personally oversaw the man's recovery. Each day, he would visit the stranger, ensuring that he lacked nothing. Yet, despite his best efforts, the man remained silent, his gaze distant and unreadable. One evening, as the sun cast its orange glow upon the horizon, Prince Nivin, curious and concerned, decided to converse with the stranger once more. Pulling a chair beside the man's bed, he began, "Who are you? Why were you in the forest alone?". The man remained silent for what felt like an eternity. Just as Nivin was about to give up hope, the man's lips parted, "I cannot tell you." Surprised, Nivin leaned closer, "Why? Are you in danger?". The man's eyes bore into Nivin's, filled with mystery. "Some secrets," he whispered, "are better left untold."

A week passed, and as the moon shone brightly in the night sky, fate would have another twist in store. Prince Nivin, drawn by an inexplicable feeling, decided to check on the stranger one last time before retiring for the night. As he approached the chamber, he noticed the balcony doors ajar and a silhouette preparing to escape. Rushing forward, Nivin called out, "Where do you think you're going?". The man paused, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Is this how you treat all your guests, or am I just special?". Taken aback by the sudden retort, Nivin replied, "You are a guest in my kingdom. Why would you wish to leave?"

The man, now standing tall and seeming a lot stronger than how he was discovered, replied with a smirk, "Perhaps, Prince Nivin, because not all guests wish to stay." Seeing the determination in the man's eyes, Nivin decided not to stop him. Removing a precious jewel-encrusted pendant from his neck, he handed it to the man. "For your journey," he whispered. "I'll be back" said the man, as he disappeared into the night. Nivin couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious stranger's true identity and the secrets he carried. Little did he know that their paths would cross again, intertwining their destinies in ways unimaginable.

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