Ch 2 : Unlikely Reunion

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The sun had barely risen when the chilling wail of the castle's attack alarm pierced the tranquility of the morning. Prince Nivin's eyes snapped open, instantly alert. He recognized the alarm—a series of resonating gongs that echoed through the vast corridors—as a sign of imminent danger. Jumping out of his bed, he swiftly donned his armor, the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. Every clink and clatter of his armor felt like a reminder of the impending battle.His father, King Senthil, burst into the room, his regal attire hastily thrown over his nightclothes. "Nivin!" he exclaimed, his voice edged with urgency. "We must act quickly."Prince Nivin nodded grimly, securing the last piece of his armor—a golden shoulder plate—into place. "I'm ready, Father."Together, they hurried through the castle's labyrinthine corridors, the dimly lit torches casting flickering shadows on the stone walls. They were joined by the seasoned Army Commander, Mr. Chaudhari, and his loyal soldiers, their faces taut with determination. 

The atmosphere was thick with tension as they made their way to the castle's main courtyard, where the army was assembling.As Prince Nivin mounted his horse, he took a moment to survey the scene. The courtyard was a hive of activity, with soldiers hastily preparing their weapons and horses. Banners bearing the emblem of Kingdom Neitreyi fluttered defiantly in the wind, but Prince Nivin couldn't shake off a sense of foreboding.Riding alongside his father and Mr. Chaudhari, they led their army towards the designated battleground—a vast expanse of open field bordered by dense forests. The journey was a silent one, the rhythmic clatter of hooves on the cobblestone road punctuating the tension-filled air.Upon reaching the battleground, they were met by the formidable sight of the Alantara army—its ranks stretching far and wide, their weapons glinting menacingly in the sunlight. 

But amidst the sea of soldiers, Prince Nivin's eyes locked onto a familiar face. There, astride a majestic black stallion, was Crown Prince Abhey of Alantara—the same man he had rescued from the forest.A rush of conflicting emotions washed over Prince Nivin—surprise, confusion, and a hint of betrayal. How could the man he had shown kindness to now stand as his enemy?As the two armies lined up, a palpable tension hung in the air. The time for words was over; now, only action mattered. But before the battle could commence, a horn sounded, signaling the arrival of a delegation from the Alantara Kingdom.The Kingdom Neitreyi's negotiators stepped forward, engaging in tense discussions with their Alantara counterparts. Prince Nivin's eyes never left Crown Prince Abhey, who seemed equally absorbed in the negotiations. After what felt like hours, an agreement was reached, and both parties retreated to their respective camps. 

That evening, under the cover of a truce, the King and Crown Prince of Alantara were escorted to the Castle of Kingdom Neitreyi. The grand hall was adorned with opulent decorations, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation.

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