Chapter 7

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Derek's POV:

That went better than I thought it would, I said to myself as I headed down the street towards town. She was scared, and clearly had no idea about what had happened or why. She didn't know they wanted her, still wanted her. She didn't know who she was, who she now is to me. I couldn't tell her, not yet. There was already too much on the line. She needed to come with me, not only for her protection but because I needed her, my wolf needed her. I should've known who she was the second I picked up her scent, I knew it was different, but I never thought she could be the one. My mate. I gave up looking for her years ago, watched as everyone else found their missing piece, knowing I would never find mine. I didn't think I had a mate; it wasn't something we were all promised. Some of us never found ours, and instead settled down with a chosen mate. That's what I was prepared to do, the pack needed a Luna and as their Alpha it was my job to provide one. I had a chosen mate, we just hadn't completed the mate bond, the pack didn't know about our relationship. Didn't know I was choosing her to become their Luna, but that didn't matter now. Everything had changed, I had found my true mate. The pack would have their true Luna. I just didn't know how I was going to tell Marina, how she was going to take it. She had a right to be angry, pissed off even and I knew she would be.

Shaking off the thoughts of what was to come, I focused back on the here and now. I didn't need to pick anything up from town, but I did need to link with Andrew and let him know what was going on, update him on what I had found out. Marina was his sister, and though he knew what we had planned to do, I hoped he understood why it wouldn't happen now.

"Andrew, how are things at the pack?" I sent through the link.

"Alpha, everything is good. I have updated the pack as you said. When are you heading back?"

"Soon, by nightfall. I spoke with Bella, she knew nothing. All her parents told her was she was to run to our pack and never look back. I told her everything we knew about it. She is still in shock but will hopefully be ready for the trip back home once night comes."

"That's crazy. She shouldn't have been left in the dark, its lucky we found her before they did."

"Yes, things would've been much different. Have there been any sightings since you returned?"

"No, everything has been silent. I've spoken with the surrounding packs, and they haven't seen or heard of anything Alpha. They said they will alert us if anything changes."

That was good. It had been silent for a while now, and I was hoping it would stay that way. Regardless, we couldn't be too careful, there was no telling where they had gone or if they were watching. It was better to keep everything quiet for now until we figured out more.

"Are they aware of her?"

"No, I made sure to leave that part out. Figured you would want to discuss that with them yourself."

"Good, thanks man. There's something we need to talk about. I found my mate, my true mate. Its her Andrew."

He was silent for a while. I could feel his shock through the link, shock turned to anger then disbelief before settling on a hint of excitement.

"That's great Alpha. We will finally have the Luna we need. Not saying I am not a little disappointed, Marina is going to give you an earful when you get back though. I feel for you." He said with a snicker. His sister was a force to be reckoned with. That's one of the reasons I picked her, she was strong, a fighter. He didn't dare go around her when she was pissed.

"Yeah, don't remind me. I haven't told Bella yet. I don't want to do anything to scare her off. I know her wolf feels something, but I'm not picking up on anything from her yet."

"Understood. Maybe her human side just needs a little time to feel the bond."

"Maybe. I will leave the link open in case anything happens, you can reach me. I need to get back now."

"Goodluck. See you soon."

I wasn't ready to go back and deal with breaking the news to Marina. I could only hope that she would understand. We were all raised to know how important true mates are. A wolf was lucky to have one, let alone find them.

Shaking it off I headed back to Bella's. Night was coming and we needed to get going soon. The thought of being out there with her alone, not knowing where the rogues are was enough to make my wolf pace back and forth. If word got out that we found her, they would be coming for her. I could hold my own against a few, but I couldn't take on a pack of them myself. I needed to get her there as fast as possible. 

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