Chapter 10

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Bella's POV:

I turned to see Derek leaning against the doorway. He gave me a small smile, making my knees get weak. What was wrong with me? What was he doing to me, to make me act this way?

"Hey, how do you like it? Do you have everything that you need?" he asked as he walked inside.

"Yes, thank you. I have more than I need." I said shyly.

"I'm glad. My sister picked everything out, I wasn't sure what you would like."

"She did great. I don't think I will ever get to wear the gowns, but they are absolutely beautiful." I said, turning towards Jamie with a smile.

"Well, that would be my cue to go." she said as she walked out the door, throwing her hand back in a wave as she went.

"I'm sure you will get the chance to wear all of them. She may be annoying, but she does have good taste when it comes to clothes. Just hope she didn't get anything too revealing, she likes to wear things that show off a little too much skin." he said rolling his eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh. She was young, but she was old enough to dress how she liked. He was just being an overprotective older brother.

"It's cute that you're so protective of her. She seems like she can handle herself though. I like her." I said with a smile, she was fun to be around, and I missed having a girl around that I could bond with.

"I'm glad you two are getting along. She needs someone other than guys to hang around." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah. So, what now?" I asked as I walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Well, I need to introduce you to the pack eventually. I know they already know who you are, but we have to make it official and welcome you into the pack. But first, I need to see how you do in a fight and what training you will need."

"I'm a bit rusty. I haven't trained in a year, but when I was training, I was one of the best fighters in my pack. My father trained me well." I said with a slight smile thinking back to all the times we would spar in the back yard while mom watched, yelling at dad to go easy.

Dad would just laugh and tell her that I was the one who needed to go easy on him. Derek's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"That's good. You have some training; it will make it easier. We can go ahead and set up to spar, see what you got."

"Sounds good, who will I be sparring against?" I asked, my wolf on edge and ready to get some action.

"Me." Was all he said with a stern voice.

That was the last thing I expected. I figured he would put me against one of his best warriors or something, I never thought he would want to spar with me himself.

"Okay. When?"

He gave me a puzzled look, as if he thought I was going to refuse, but he had no idea what he was dealing with. I put my father on his ass many times. It might take me a moment to get my footing again, but I would put him on his ass too. I wasn't some weak little girl, and I was going to prove that to him.

"Now if you're ready. If not, we can do it first thing tomorrow once you're settled in."

"No, let's do it now. Better to know what I need to work on than wait." I said with a shrug.

"Okay, I will give you time to get changed into something more comfortable and meet you outside your door." He said before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

Rummaging through my drawers I found a black sports bra and a pair of leggings. Grabbing them and a pair of tennis shoes from the closet, I got dressed and headed towards the door. Ready to see if I still had it.

Derek was outside my door waiting for me as promised. I pretended to ignore the lustful look he gave me as I walked out and shut the door behind me.

"Ready?" I said, with excitement in my eyes.

"Sure, follow me." he said with a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

When we got to the back yard, there was a huge mat in the middle. That's where we would fight. There weren't any weapons around, which meant we would be either using our wolves or our fists. I preferred that anyways, when I trained with my father, we never used weapons for anything, so I had no idea what I was doing when it came to them.

There wasn't anyone around but Jamie, who sat at the bench tom the side of the mats. When she seen me, she gave me a big smile and a wave.

"Jamie will be telling us when to start and when to stop, unless one of us taps before she can." He explained as we approached the mat.

"Kick his ass Bells" she said with a wink.

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side." He said with a huff.

"Sorry bro, not this time." She replied before turning to me and giving me a thumbs up.

I stepped onto the mat across from him and got into my fighting stance. Though it had been forever since my last spar, the feel of the mat under my feet brought it all back. When Jamie yelled for us to begin, I waited for Derek to come after me. When he did, I dodged his attack by flipping over him, turning and kicking him upside the face. He wiped the blood from his lip, giving me a grin before striking again, he missed me by a hair his fist barely grazing my ear as I dodged him again and in return elbowed him in the nose. Blood spurted from his nose earning a groan from him.

"Damn, nice shot." He said before popping his nose back into place and giving me a wicked smile.

His attack was instant, giving me no warning that it was coming, he struck me in the ribs knocking the air out of me, leaving me open so he could grab me and fling me through the air, throwing me into the mat against the fence.

I jumped up quickly, dusting myself off and pushing myself off the wall towards him. Flying through the air, I landed a kick to his face again, sending him flying across the mat, not giving him time to get up. I lunged at him again, sending a blow to his ribs earning a growl from him. I went in to kick him again, but he blocked me grabbing my foot and twisting it, sending me spinning down onto the mat. We both jumped up, facing each other. Sweat and blood on our faces. He was spotting a busted lip, and bloody nose, while I was pretty sure I had a black eye and bruised cheek. Still, I wasn't backing down. 

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