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Aman's pov

I am thank ful that they agreed to work in company for some time because I want to investigate this matter by myself once.

So after they left I called Andrew to come to hospital.  He came soon .

'Hi dude how you doing?' he asked.

'I am fine just lying feeling bored. how is it going for you?'i said.

'Bro I am doing fine just busy as you know Jackson and you are in hospital but it's fine your health is important.' he said .

We chatted a bit around.

'Well Andrew what did you find in investigation and give real version not you know some white washed version like you told to other because I caught some other known scent there. '

'Yeah it's true they were werewolves who were like rogues but they were sent by someone because there was another mark on their body . That is a tatoo of spider down there neck which is from our rival mafia symbol. They usually don't have rogue wolves in their gang . They only use them for some small works in gang. So I am not able to understand  why will they send them.' he said.

I nodded ,' I think he doesn't not think my life is worth more than some rogue killing me. Who can be more childish then him. After that time he didn't come to fight me now he suddenly wants to kill me . It's odd.

You know what prepare our people. I will pay him a  visit personally. ' I said.

'When you are going to visit him Aman . Are you going as Aman or as head of black rose mafia gang? I don't want you get involved in illegal buisness. Since you have wanted to close it.'

'I know Andrew but something things can't be easily left behind and after this I don't think it's going to be easy.

We have been in this buisness from more than three years. I am head because of my grandpa . My father lost his legs because of this mafia rivalries . Since he didn't wanted be heir but I am here in his position.

You know i don't exactly mind this mafia thing but its not good for family. Since there always be someone wanting my life and my families.

I gave this a thought after this last work we will leave just our position in mafia but won't participate in any business other than weapons. So you know we want some backing in future. So no one can hurt us.' I said.

'It is a really good thought Aman. I don't like this too but you are in it than I am in too. I will always be with you and support you. ' he said .

'I think we will pay them a visit at night after three days on fourth night. So nobody will know when I was gone . Remember to send Alex Jimmy to send my parents house so they will keep them busy mom ,dad, Noah and Jack. ' I said .

'Ok I will prepare everything . You just keep your focus on getting healthy. Rest well I will see you soon. Bye'

'Bye andrew'

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