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Aman pov

" Your grandfather told me that if you come first to me for answers only then I can break my promise. Otherwise this secret will get buried with me."

"Uncle how i suppose to believe it's really messed up."

"I know kid but this is the truth and answers to your questions."

"Priest uncle, can you tell me how can I reconnect with my mates ."

" There is not many young people will like it these days. You have to do fasting for 21 days while only having a small amount of fruits and water once in these days 21 days. You need to be completely like monk for 21 days. So no family, friends and mates nearby you.

After 21 days within 3 days you need to get married. "

"What I can do fasting for 21 days but do you think after this blunder they will even want to see me."

"Kid don't be negative. Everything will go in good way. If you can't handle the situation I will talk to your family. It's not like it's your fault."

" I don't understand why grandpa did this. "

"Kid you know your grandfather loved you alot even when you were not born. If you want anything he got that for you. It's just that love became a block in your way towards your future. I hope you will forgive him he just wanted best for you. "

"I know I am angry with him. He wanted the best for me. I just didn't liked it because of him it can cost a life loneliness and without love."

"Ok I won't say anything in the favour of your grandfather but you should take rest now. You just got out of the hospital. So please take care of your health."

"Ok uncle, I am leaving now. Take care of yourself too. Bye"

"Ok bye kid. If you need my help please let me know."

Third person pov

He left from there with with heavy heart. He walked around aimlessly for sometime. It was time close to sunset . So he went home. He straight up walked to his room.  He closed the door and sat on the floor.

He just sat there without moving blankly. He was crying while his head was down. He himself didn't realise it untill his tear dropped from eyes on his hand.

He tried to wipe his tears with his hands but tears were not stopping.  He crumbled on the floor and cried his heart out.

He didn't know when he stopped crying. He heard his mother to ask him out for the dinner. He just ok and took a shower. He fixed himself a bit. He wore some comfortable clothes and went downstairs.

He just sat at dinner table and ate his dinner quietly. His mother tried to ask him' what's wrong' but he just told her' not now we will talk after dinner.'

He just ate how much he can and left towards the living room.


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