All my emotions feel like explosions.

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You woke up to the smell of coffee and whatever trolls eat for breakfast. Opening your eyes, you stared at the ceiling for a moment wondering where the smell was coming from. Maybe it was just the phantom of a smell from yesterday morning. 

You sat up and remembered the day before, Branch stayed at your house. Smiling, you turned towards your kitchen and saw him swaying side to side while he made coffee with the coffee maker because trolls have that, but don't have electricity? Make it make sense. 

"Morning." You said rubbing your eyes. Branch jumped a little and turned towards you with a smile. He walked to you with a cup of coffee.

"I thought you might like this." He handed you the cup, your hands grazing lightly. You brought yourself to a criss cross position on the floor, expecting him to return to the couch. However, he sat on the floor next to you, so close your knees touched just a little. The close proximity made your face flush to a darker shade. 

"Thank you," You closed your eyes as you took a small sip. "This is really good!" You took a few more sips while he watched you with a smile, sipping his own coffee. 

"Well, I woke up and realized I'm not going anywhere today so I thought I would do something nice as a little thank you." He said chuckling a bit. You pressed your brows together and tilted your head.

"What do you mean?" Branch stood up, lightly grabbing your wrist and guiding you to the nearest window. He pulled the curtains out of the way to reveal the snow covering your window halfway up. You live in a tree. The snow was all the way up to your house. "Oh my god." You put a hand on the window trying to see past the snow, but it seemed to be that high everywhere. 

"I've never seen it this high!" You backed away from the window. 

"You don't mind I stay a while longer do you? I don't think I'm going to be able to make it home any time soon." He had given you your hand back and was rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. His face a few shades darker as he nervously asked. "Even if it might be multiple days?"

"Obviously I don't mind, you're my favorite troll in the world. I wouldn't wanna be trapped with anyone else." Blush rose to your cheeks and the tips of your ears admitting that to him. "If you used your critical thinking skills, you'd have figured this out by now." You said trying to lighten things up, your previous statement made it seem like you were in love with him. 

As much as you didn't want to admit it to yourself, you definitely are in love with him. 

Branch stared at you with dilated eyes and a flushed face. He had a giddy smile as he sipped his coffee, avoiding eye contact. You finished off yours in the meantime. You hadn't realized how fast you drank it. 

"You know, you're also my favorite troll in the world." You lifted your head to meet his eyes, the way he stared into your soul was showing how sincere he was.

After last night, all Branch thought about was ways to win you over. His heart was beating a million times per second since you woke up. He would wait as long as he needed to for you to realize he loved you. 

"Thank you, Branch." You softly smiled. You held eye contact with him for a moment longer before he broke it to finish his coffee. He took your cup from your hand, once again gracing his fingers over yours. You wondered if it was on purpose, scoffing silently you told yourself that was wishful thinking. 

Branch walked over to your sink and set the cups in there before he began washing them for you. (Trolls definitely do NOT have plumbing, but I gave up on trying to make this make sense.) Small gestures go a long way. "What should we do today?" He asked you, pulling you out of the small trance you were in. 

You walked into the kitchen and leaned on the island. You put one hand up on your chin and stroked your fake beard. Y/N really thinks they're the thinker. 

"I have an idea," Branch finished cleaning and drying the cups, returning them where they came from. "How about I show you my instruments? Maybe I could teach you how to play some of them?" You proposed. 

"I actually was hoping I could see you play them at some point. I would love for you to teach me them too. I think that could be a lot of fun!" Branch walked over to the island and leaned on it too, both elbows on the top as he faced you.

"It's a plan then! And then later we can make cookies if we feel like it? I have all the ingredients." (But not an oven so how is that gonna work????? I guess they just manifest that the cookies will bake and it works. The power of friendship conquers all.)

"Yeah, I'd like that." He said quietly. 

And with that. The two of you started your day together. The first full day you get to spend with your favorite troll. 

Throughout the first couple hours of hanging out, you realized a change in Branch. He was teasing you more and his face always seemed to be a bit darker around his cheeks and tips of his ears. Teasing you was normal, but he was teasing you about things that would cause you to blush and make you flustered. He also sat closer to you than normal, sometimes his arm brushing yours when playing piano or holding a guitar. 

You kept finding yourself thinking back to the night before, when you felt something in your heart. You were searching for a reason to the feeling that hadn't gone away. 

Watching Branch focus on an instrument you had just taught him to play, and everything about him while he did so, helped you come to the realization of what your heart was trying to tell you. You watched his tongue stick out a bit when he focused, his brows pressed together, and the way he would take a breath in his nose and blow it out through his mouth to start the song over. 

You were in love with him. And you wanted to see where following your heart would take you. Even though it might lead to heartbreak and loneliness. 

Guys I literally don't know how this book is going to end. I come up with the ideas as I write, so im just as surprised as you when something happens. I got myself giggling and kicking my feet a few times. I feel like an academic weapon the way these ideas are flowing into my brain. Thank you all for reading so far! 

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