Make a spark, break the dark.

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I can't use my computer to write today 😞 womp womp

"Morning, roomie!" You poked Branch while leaning over him. He swatted your hand away while blinking his eyes open. Half of the fort had fallen down while the two of you slept. That was how you ended up waking up before him for the first time since he's been staying with you.

"Morning y/n." Branch sat up and rubbed his eyes. You pushed a cup of coffee into his hands. "Thank you." He closed his eyes to smell it.

"You've done a lot for me the past couple days, I thought it was my turn." There was no need to crawl out of the fort anymore because of how much it had fallen down in the night.

"You made breakfast too?" Branch said while he stepped over fallen blankets.

"I mean, you have every other morning." You walked to the island in the kitchen and sat down. You had set out a plate for Branch at his usual spot. He sat in front of you and set his coffee on the counter. "So, you're really fine with leaving your bunker to live with me?" You said taking a bite of your food.

"I'm more than fine with it. The bunker will always be there if I wanna to go back, but I doubt it will." He replied.

"That's true. Well, when the snow finally gets low enough for us to leave, I'll help you get what you need!" You looked towards the window.

"How much longer do you think until then?" He asked. You got up and looked outside.

"Maybe a day or two, the door is still covered, I don't think we could open it if we tried." You said as you returned back to your chair. Branch hummed as a response while eating his food.

The day went on as normal, the two of you finding some activity to do while you tried to cure any boredom. You had woken up pretty late in the day, so nighttime came quicker than you expected it to.
Branch had been scheming all day. He felt like he had to tell you how he felt soon, but he didn't know exactly how to do it. After taking things slow for so long, how do you take the next step? And what would happen if you hadn't felt the same? He could say goodbye to the short lived "roommate" status.

You on the other hand, felt just about the same as he did. Confessing wasn't your top priority however, as much as you wanted to you were too scared. You kept to the teasing and flirting hoping maybe you'd get the perfect moment. But you had lots of those opportunities, and you were too afraid to take them.

Since the snow had cleared out, you and Branch resorted to watching the sun set on your balcony. Leaning on the railing you admired the way the sun reflected off the snow.
Just a few months ago you were walking to the village for a normal grocery run with flowers and butterflies around you. And now you're watching the sun set, trapped by snow in your home with your new roommate. You couldn't imagine anything more perfect.

"You knooow, we never made those cookies a few days ago like we had planned to." Branch turned to you.

"Oooh. That could be fun! We do need to do something that isn't beating each other up." You also turned to his direction. The setting sun looked perfect on him. He had a soft smile on his face as he picked at the railing of the balcony. The cold air had turned his cheeks and the tips of his ears a darker color. Your face doing something similar but for different reasons.

"We could make it into a competition if that's what you want." Branch smirked at you with a raised brow.

You waved your hands in front of you. "I think I'm worn out of competitions after the forts." You chuckled.

"But we only had the one!" Branch threw his hands up and slumped his shoulders.

"I think this time it's better to just enjoy each other's presence." You briefly grabbed his shoulder and squeezed before turning and walking back into the house. "Besides, I'd totally win, and I don't want to hurt your feelings."

Branch x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now