Chapter 28 - Into the Unknown

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The portal closed right infront of his eyes.

" What the fuck.....!!!! " he looked around. There was an endless sea on one side of the beach, and a dense forest on the other.

For a while, he wandered around the beach. Despite his search, he couldn't find anyone. All he had was a sword and an unknown device with two alien hands.

He was exhausted from the scorching heat of the sun. That's when he heard a loud voice, a roar. He had never heard anything like it before. This wasn't a lion or a tiger. It was something big, something strange. But he didn't have the courage to enter the jungle to find out.

As he walked around, he discovered a cave near the sea. He carefully searched the cave. He made sure he was alone. From exhaustion, he gradually fell asleep after covering the cave opening with rocks and leaves.

When he awoke, it was already night. Apart from the stars in the sky, everything was pitch black. He sat there till morning.

In the morning he continued to search the beach. After that, he went into the sea, which was warmer than he expected. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to locate any fish to eat.

After a while, he realized he had no choice but to go into the jungle if he wanted to survive. As a result, he went into the jungle with the sword.

Slowly, he made his way into the jungle. Light hadn't yet penetrated the thick jungle, so it was dark inside. He noticed a small stream while walking and drank from it. He suddenly heard a noise. He turned around.

" What the !!!! " He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was a small dinosaur. He sat there with amazement.

" Where the fuck did I end up ? " His heart started to beat faster.

He realized what was behind the loud roar he heard last night. Slowly, everything became clearer and clearer.

Wayne was a huge fan of science fiction movies, so he immediately realized what had happened. Fiction became reality. Through the portal, he was transported back in time. Into the past, long before humans existed, when dinosaurs were the dominant species on earth.

He was trapped in the era of Dinosaurs.

He realised how much danger he is in. " I need to get back to the beach as soon as I can." He saw a bunch of small dinosaurs. " I'm so sorry " he grabbed one and snapped it's neck. And ran back to the beach as fast as he could.

He quickly hid inside the cave. He couldn't believe it was actually happening, he was terrified. He is in the past, with the most dangerous beasts that have ever existed on Earth.

He sat in silence for a long time. It was getting late and he was hungry. It was almost night. He tried to make fire with some rocks, but failed. In the end, he gave up after trying a few more times. He grabbed the dead dinosaur in his hand and took a bite. " Damn... It's terrible " He spit it out after chewing it a couple of times.

He went to sleep believing it was a dream. Because of hunger, he wasn't able to sleep much longer. In anger, he smashed his hand in the sand.

He walked out in the middle of the night. He wandered around through the beach. Then he went nearer the jungle, sat near a tree, and fell asleep.

It was morning again when Wayne awoke. He was so tired that he couldn't even stand.

Hopeless, he sat there. After a while, he saw a dinosaur that was bigger than the one he killed yesterday. It was eating a plant of some sort. He walked towards it. It ran away as soon as it saw Wayne. He noticed some sort of fruit in the plant as he walked towards it. It looked like berries. Taking one, he peeled away the outer shell, then he ate it. Even though it tasted bad, it was better than raw meat. He ate it as much as he can.

As the days and months went by, Wayne lost any hope he had left. He was already used to his new surroundings. He looked very different from what he was used to. His weight has reduced, he has long hair and a long beard; he has become unrecognisable. And he became an expert trap maker and hunter.

All this time, he didn't go deep into the jungle or into the sea. At the jungle's edge, he found everything he needed.

In order to keep himself sane, he was always involved in some sort of activity, because if he didn't he felt like he was going insane. He started talking to imaginary characters he created in his mind.

Every night, he stands in front of the vast ocean and screams as loud as he can to let out all of his frustrations. He felt sad and depressed, wanted to die. But didn't have the courage to kill himself.

Sometimes, he tries to figure out how she opened the portal using the device. But he was clueless. Strangely, the alien hands were fresh, with no signs of decay.

Although everything was going horribly for him, he didn't complain. " I deserve it " he thought.

It was almost the same every day. Set up traps in the morning, catch something, kill it, drag it back to the beach, collect water, cook food, and sleep. Sometimes he observes dinosaurs to see what they eat and how they behave. He sometimes ate the same things, and some of them made him sick, for days.

He wanted to explore the jungle. But he was scared because he thought he might run into the biggies.

But his reason was " If I explore the jungle, I might leave something left behind which will be found by someone in the modern world and I will mess up history. "

Therefore, he kept in touch with the world as little as possible, it was the reason why he made shoes that resembled dinosaur footprints, always made a fire outside the cave and was careful not to leave any burn marks.

Every day was harder than the last. He lost any sort of hope. He was on the verge of breaking down completely.

An year passed,

On one night, he was sitting on the beach talking to himself and trying to figure out the device. He eventually gave up and threw the device into the sand. Then he began praying on his knees.

" I don't think you're real, but if you are, I understand that you don't like me. It may be your way of punishing me. For all the horrible things I did. I get that... I get that. You are welcome to kill me if you had fun. "

" KILL ME......!!!!! "In frustration, he screamed and lay down in the sand. As he turned to the right, he saw the hands. He took them and said

" You should pray to, you killed a lot of people...... "

" Ohhh fuckkk " he realised something, he knew what he was missing. He understood what to do with the device.

He held the hands together and put them in the device.

After a few minutes, nothing happened. He examined the device closely. He noticed something and turned the hands counter clock wise. The device suddenly began to glow. A bright light appeared in the sea, he knew it was the portal but it was far away. There was something big coming through the portal. Although it wasn't clear what it was, it was big.

" That's a long swim, it's dangerous  and the portal isn't going to be open for long.  " He stood there.

He activated the device again, pointed towards the shore. But nothing happened. He tried again and again but nothing happened. He then turned the hands clockwise but again it did nothing.

Almost an hour passed but he saw nothing. It was just pitch black. He went back to the cave.

On the following morning, he awoke early and returned to the beach. He looked as far as his eyes could see, but could not find anything. " Maybe it was just my imagination. Am I going crazy ? Did something actually fall into the sea ? " he thought. Nothing happened after that day and he eventually forgot about it.

Several weeks passed. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing happened. But at one night he saw a light in the sea. First it looked like a fire ball falling into the sea, then a dim light in the sea. He wasn't sure if he was going insane or if there was indeed something there. He stood there for a long time. After that, he decided something and went back to the cave.

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