Chapter 29 - Vessel

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He saw the light for the next few days. He realised that there is something out there, something that doesn't belong to this time, just like him. In the end, he decided to go to the sea to see what it was. It looked like a big firefly.

To get there he needed to build a raft. In the jungle, he cut down some trees, dragged them back to the shore, tied them up, and made a raft out of them. It took him few weeks to complete the task.

Every day, he saw the light in the sea. First, in the evening, a fireball falls into the sea, followed by a dim light. Occasionally, the dim light will remain on for minutes or even hours. He was certain there was something in the sea.

He still had some doubts. The sea was home to some very large creatures. It is possible for him to end up as sea monster food if the raft is not good enough.

One night, there was no fire ball or the light.

" What happened ? " Even though that made him doubts in his mind, he was determined to go. He continued his work. He finished building the raft.

" Now I need to find supplies. " In order to check how much weight the raft could handle, he dragged it out into the ocean and placed some rocks in it.

He was tired " I will finish it tomorrow. It is getting late now. " He went back into the cave.

During the night, he heard roaring sounds from the jungle. Usually, he hears loud roars from the jungle during the daytime. But it was the first time he heard roars at this hour. He wondered " Are the biggies fighting ? "

All night long, roars filled the air, but he wasn't sure what was going on. Hearing it, he went to sleep.

After waking up, he went to pick up supplies for the journey. As he walked through the jungle, he stepped on something. When he looked down, he saw a dinosaur's guts.

" was hell of a fight.... " he took the guts in his hand. " But the voice came from deep in the jungle, then how did it get here ?"

When he followed the blood, he saw a dead dinosaur lying on the ground. " who did this to you ? " He stood in front of the dead body.

Then he saw another dinosaur's body. Looking around, he found a lot of dead bodies. All of them were torn apart.

" It wasn't a fight, it was a massacre. It wasn't a dinosaur, it was something else. Shit... I've seen something like this before, at the lab. It's that thing. It's here " he understood what was happening. His grip on the sword tightened

" But how ? There is no way it followed me through the portal. If that thing is here, so maybe Emily is too. Is she really alive ? I hope so "

" What should I do now ? Should I go to the see or search for Emily? Does this creature have any connection to the light? The light was off yesterday, and now this thing shows up, there must be some connection. Is this really the creature's doing or is it something else ? "

" Fuckkk, I'm overthinking it.I need to calm down. Do what I came here to do. I will think about everything later. Let's find some food, but I need to be extra cautious " Clearly, he was confused.

Getting enough food for the raft took him some time. He collected as much food and water the raft can carry. Standing on the beach, he wasn't entirely convinced.

" That thing will kill me eventually if I stay here. However, if there is nothing in the sea, all the work I have done over the last couple of days will be for nothing. What should I do ? " He sat on the raft.

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