Chapter 43

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America pov.

Once everyone loaded into the game, we all noticed that we had colored astronaut suits, my suit was denim blue in color, Russia's suit color is slate, Dixie's suit is crimson, Ukraine's suit is blue, Bela's is emerald in color, France's suit color is indigo, Britain's suit is mint on color, Aussie's suit is cobalt blue, Zealand's is lime green, Mexico's suit is pine green, Japan's suit is white, Germany's suit is black, Canada's suit is syrup brown, and Poland's suit is scarlet in color, with our flag patches on our shoulders for identification.

"Alright everyone is here and accounted for, we should start looking around and figure out what our tasks are for this level." I told everyone, they nodded in agreement and broke off into their pairs, talking amongst themselves. I stood next to Russ looking around and noticed our helmets could be taken off as the coms were connected to the suits themselves. "Ruski are you ok?" I asked him, catching his attention.

"Ah, yes I'm fine Meric, I was just admiring NASA's work with the headsets design and functionality." He told me, taking off his helmet. I did the same looking up at him.

"What tasks do you have?" I asked him.

"Medbay, admin, and electrical, what about you Ame?" He asked me.

"Garbage, shields, and admin" I replied. He nodded and we came up with a plan to make sure our tasks get completed on time. We headed to admin first and did the card swipe, and quickly left, opting to do electrical and garbage next. Once those were completed we headed up to the medbay to do Russia's last task. He stood on the footprints but nothing happened. "Maybe we need to take the suits off for the scan?" I questioned, looking at the footprints skeptically.

"Well, if that's how it's supposed to work then I guess." He replied, slowly taking his suit off, I looked away, blushing furiously. I'm pretty sure he could feel my eyes on him.

"Like what you see Ame?" He asked me, a sly smirk playing on his face. My face grew hot, and the tips of my ears turned red. The scan worked and he's in peak condition. He put his suit back on, the sly smirk still played on his face.

"Let's just get my last task done." I told him, still blushing. We walked over to shields, and Russia watched my back to make sure no one came after us. We did our tasks in under ten minutes, and so far there have been no reported deaths. An alarm rang out and we ended up in the cafeteria, around a table with a red button.

"I don't see Mexico? What happened?" Dixie asked.

"I found her dead body in the hall just outside of the medbay." Britain told us.

"Did anyone have a task in the medbay?" Japan asked.

"I did, but me and Ame did that over ten minutes ago, and we didn't see anyone outside when we left the medbay." Russia replied, eyeing Japan cautiously.

"Did you both finish all three of your tasks in that time?" Maple looked at us astonished.

"Yea, and helpful tip for the medbay scan, you have to take the suits off." I told them. They looked shocked but overall took the advice. "Does anyone have any more tasks to complete?" I asked the group.

"I have to check o2, and clean up." France replied, the bar was nearly complete and Goldie's death is the only one so far, we adjourned the meeting by skipping and Russia led me away briskly.

"What's wrong Ruski?" I asked the Russian.

"I think Japan killed Mexico, we should stay away from everyone for the time being." He told me, I nodded and agreed. We went to a secluded corner and stayed there for a bit, before that same alarm went off and we were suddenly back in the cafeteria. I looked around the group and noticed that Canada, Britain and Australia are missing as well. I looked at Russia and saw that he had a pensive face and carefully studying everyone else here. I saw his gaze linger on Ukraine and Japan longer than it did for others.

"Ok, it looks like we have to vote someone out, we must have missed that last time we where here." France said, looking a hologram in front of her. I shared a look with Russia and we both voted Japan. When we looked up at the hologram that had all our names on it, we saw our flags appear under the person we had voted for. It looked like Japan got voted out with the amount of flags under her name. Once the vote was complete the meeting was adjourned and Japan was no longer amongst us. Neither me or Russia left the cafeteria and decided to call the meeting back and noticed that Germany was no longer with us. The hologram came back and we looked at it, wondering who to vote next, Russia nodded and told me to go with my gut. I agreed and voted Ukraine, and waited for the vote to end. Once everyone voted, Ukraine was voted out and level one was completed, those that had "died" came back for level 2 that would be starting tomorrow, but something bothered me, level one was a bit to easy to complete, but I think it'll get progressively harder as the game continues.

"I saw some beds in the medbay that we could use, it's getting late." Russia told the group, everyone agreed and we went to the medbay. There was enough beds for everyone, we all chose a bed and laid down for the night.


Russia pov.

I felt someone climb into my bed, so I checked who it was.

"Meric, is everything alright?" I asked the American.

"Yea, I had a nightmare and wanted you so I came over here." He replied softly. I nodded and pulled him closer to me. We fell asleep not long after the small exchange. We stayed like this for a while, my hands in his hair, gently playing with it to help him sleep peacefully. After a few hours the others started to wake up, but Ame looked like he needed the extra rest so I stayed here with him, letting him sleep a bit longer. Germany and Poland walked in after a while to check on us as we were the only ones still in the medbay.

"Is everything alright Russia?" Poland asked me.

"Yes, Ame just needed more sleep, he had a nightmare and crawled into bed with me at midnight." I told them, they nodded and left the medbay accepting the answer I had given them. I looked at the still sleeping American and decided to wake him up as the next level of the game had started. "Meric wake up, we have a game to play." I spoke softly.

"It's time to start game already? I thought we had more time?" Ame groaned, not very pleased with being woken up.

"I think we still have sometime Ame, we still need to eat something for breakfast." I told him, starting to get out of the bed. Confederate came in and looked at us with amusement.

"Did y'all get y'all's roles for this level yet?" Confederate asked us.

"Not yet Dixie, I think we get those after breakfast." Ame told his twin. Confederate nodded and left the medbay, with us following behind him. Once we reached the cafeteria, we got our breakfast and sat down at one of the tables near the back.

"You know you never answered my question yesterday Meric, did you like what you saw?" I asked him, smirking slightly. I saw his face flush, and his gaze leave my own. I carefully got up and walked over to his side of the table, lifting his head to meet my gaze.

"I um- yea I did." Ame answered quietly, still trying to avert his gaze. I pulled him in for a small kiss and I felt him relax into it. We broke the kiss after a few seconds so we could breathe and finish eating breakfast. Once everyone finished eating our roles were updated and our tasks were given. I looked at Ame with a spark of determination and we set off to do our tasks.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now