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Harry stomped through the foliage with Ron, lagging behind with his head whirling. Ron was rambling on about his Quidditch Team's most recent game. Harry didn't care at all, he'd heard this exact rant before, and the Chudley Canons had not- despite Ron's adamant beliefs- improved at all the game after.

Judging by their steps, they'd be reaching the Portkey hill soon, and Harry was unsure how he would be able to successfully reenact his 'first time using a Portkey fall' when they landed. As he rifled through possible options, a thud sounded ahead of them. Harry looked up, and was met with the astonishing sight of Cedric Diggory.

He had to fight the tears that began to swell in his eyes. Now was not the time.

Mr Diggory exchanged greetings with Mr Weasley, Cedric following after before he turned to Harry.

"Merlin's beard, Harry Potter! It is a pleasure to meet you, I'm sure you've met my boy, Cedric?" He said jovially. Harry smiled politely, trying his hardest not to gawp at Cedric like a muggle in a museum. "Of course you have! After all, he did beat you in that game last year! Hufflepuff Vs Gryffindor, eh?" He slapped Harry's shoulder lightly.

"Dad!" Cedric said, shooting Harry an apologetic glance.

"No, no Cedric! It's all in good fun, Mr Potter is a good sport I'm sure. After all, it just shows who's the better seeker."

Cedric looked mortified. Harry couldn't bring himself to feel offended, he was so astounded by Cedric being alive and breathing before him that he couldn't quite focus on anything else.

After the adults turned away, and the procession moved forwards once more, Cedric ducked back to whisper in Harry's ear.

"I'm really sorry about my dad. He's just very competitive, and he likes to see me succeed. It's nothing personal, I promise."

He looked rather perturbed by the whole situation, and Harry felt a pang of sadness at his words. His dad had really loved him. Harry shot him a placating smile, "It's no problem at all, I get it. I would be too, you're an amazing seeker."

Cedric smiled sheepishly, panic leaving his expression.

"Good, and thanks, you are too."

They shared an awkward grin, before Harry once again fell behind to listen to Ron's chatter.


As they got to the top of the hill, Ron had nearly finished his spiel. He was just recounting the last 'pivotal' moments of the game when he interrupted himself.

"Harry, mate, what's wrong with you?"

Harry snapped his disbelieving gaze from Cedric's ascending back, turning to face Ron.


"Stop ogling Diggory! I know he's attractive but really, I am your friend and this is imp-"


The Weasley-Diggory pack turned to them at Harry's outburst.

"Shhh! Look, I'm not trying to embarrass you mate! You've just been staring at him this whole bloody walk! It's like you haven't heard a thing I've said!" Ron said in a hushed whisper.


Harry had not meant to do that. He never would have expected that conclusion, even if he had anticipated someone noticing his unusual interest in the seventh year.

"I don't have a crush on him Ron! I've just been, er," Harry struggled with the words.

"Okay, okay! I wasn't trying to imply that it's a bad th-"

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