Teenage Love

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Harry was down by Hagrid's.

He was just doing what Ron had said, passing the time with Hermione by doling out slabs of meat to the hideous Blast-Ended-Skrewts. It wasn't a particularly enjoyable occupation, however he had nothing else to do whilst Ron was away.

He was just wiping his blood splattered arms on his 'H' sweater he'd gotten for Christmas, when a little head of blonde appeared at the entrance to the castle. It began bobbing up and down as the unmistakable figure bustled down the hill. Harry swallowed.

"Hermione?" He asked nervously. Hermione looked up, squinting, when realisation dawned.

"Oh! Is that.. is that Draco?"

Harry blanched, "I hope he's not upset with me. Surely Ron wouldn't have.. I don't know. Surely he can't have done anything too bad, right?"

"Uhh," Hermione laughed anxiously, "I hope not?"

Harry was about to ask whether Malfoy looked bruised at all to her, when another head appeared at the entrance to the school. A ginger one.

"HERMIONE!" Ron bellowed from the top of the hill.

Hermione looked entirely perplexed now.

"Wh- YEAH?" She yelled back.

Ron did an odd sort of jig, waving his arms around like a crazy person. He appeared to be pointing towards himself.

Hermione was extremely confused, "What on earth is he trying to say?" She asked Harry. Harry frowned.

"I think he wants you to go up there?"

"Up there? But what about you?" She wondered aloud.

Harry returned his gaze to Draco, who was growing ever nearer.

"I'll be fine. Draco wouldn't hurt me. Besides, if he did, I am a wizard." He assured her, smiling weakly.

She frowned, pulling him in for another hug, "Alright. I hope it goes well, then. Whatever this," She gestured between him and the approaching Draco, "is."

Harry returned the hug, "Thanks. I'll let you know once I get back to the Common Room."

With that, Hermione took off in the opposite direction to Draco, towards Ron, who was still waving his arms around frantically.

In a matter of seconds, Draco was stood in front of him.

"H-" He panted, leaning on his knees, "Hi!"

"Hi." Said Harry stiffly, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

Draco breathed heavily for another moment, before he caught his breath and stood up straight.

"Harry." He huffed. His cheeks were flushed from exertion, and his hair had been mussed slightly by the wind on the way down. His eyes were bright and wild.

Fuck. He was so fit.

Harry scolded himself mentally for his inability to think coherently whenever Draco was involved.

"Draco." He gritted.

"I need to-" Draco swallowed, "We need to talk. Properly. There are things I need to say to you, and I can't say them here."

Harry raised an eyebrow, "Where exactly do you want to go, then?"

Draco looked around, eyes landing on the trees behind Harry.

"The forest?"

"The Forbidden Forest? Really?" Harry said drily, "That's cheerful."

Draco rolled his eyes in exasperation, "Come on Harry. Don't make this difficult."

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