Chapter 26

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I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I fixed my bindi and then pushed my hair on my back. It's fine. No need to be nervous... It's fine. You chose this. You chose him. You ch...

"Jiji!" I heard Khushi and looked over my shoulder just as she entered our room and closed the door behind her. "They've come!"

"Already?" I asked as I stood from the stool in front of the mirror to fix the pleats of my saree.

Khushi crouched down in front of me and started fixing my saree pleats while saying, "Of course, they're already here."

"Aren't they early?" I asked as she fixed the hem of my saree with one hand while holding all the pleats in place with the other.

"They should be early. You're their daughter-in-law. They should be eager to take you back." She answered as she fixed the last pleat with her brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed in determination.

I swallowed before saying quietly, "So are you."

Her hands stopped for a moment before she again continued and said, "I'm not. You know this. And most importantly, today is not about me. It's about you. So," She stood up with a bright smile and placed both her hands on my shoulders. "Are you happy?"

I nodded as I wet my lips and looked at her with a smile before cautiously asking, "Are you happy?"

Because for the first time, I didn't know how she was feeling, and I had no idea if she loved Arnav Ji or not. I had no idea if she wanted to be with him or not. In short, I had no idea what was going on with her or her life, because ever since that day I was so lost in my own grief that I didn't look at anyone. And before that, I thought I should be supporting my husband no matter what. But I was wrong because no one takes the place Khushi holds. No one.

"I'm always happy if you're happy." She answered, and before I could question her with anything else, she added, "Now, let's go. Or else Bua Ji and Amma will scold me for holding you here."

I stared at her for a few moments before nodding and walking out with her. Because no matter what I say or ask, she won't tell me if she's hurting. She's... grown very distant. And it's my fault. I should've stood beside my sister when she needed me the most. But what did I do? I chose my husband over my sister. And yet, that sister has fought to keep us together.

As we walked past the kitchen, Akash was the first thing I noticed. He was sitting next to Arnav Ji while Amma and Bua Ji sat on a sofa in the living room, along with the whole Raizada family.

"Namaste!" I greeted everyone, then sat down beside Amma while Khushi stood right behind me. I hope everything goes well, Devi Maiya.

"Sasuma, let's go now." Maa Ji said this from where she sat next to Di, and Dadi Ji shot her a look before Bua Ji spoke up.

"Why, Manorama Ji, did you leave milk on the stove that if you didn't leave in a hurry, it would boil over?"

"Hello-hi-bye-bye, we have servants for that. We don't need to boil our own milk like... you people." Maa Ji answered proudly as she patted the side of her bun, intending to fix it.

"Maybe that's why, Nandkishore," Bua Ji replied with a mocking nod. "Our daughters know that they should speak up if they're being wrongly treated because we boil our own milk." Then her voice dipped into a whisper as she scratched her neck. "Unlike your son."

"What did you say?" Maa Ji inquired with furrowed brows, and I internally sighed.

"Nothing!" Bua Ji waved her off with a hand as Dadi Ji turned in her seat to face Amma.

"Now that Payal Bitiya is coming back to her home, don't you think that Khushi Bitiya should also?" No, she shouldn't if she doesn't want to.

An awkward silence fell in the room as Amma took a moment before answering, "She's in her own house."

"Of course. But what I mean is..." Dadi looked at Khushi, who stood right behind me for a split second, before again glancing between Amma and Bua Ji.

"I understand what you're saying and from where this is coming. But I would very much like it if you could also be kind enough to let me have the same privilege." Amma put in.

I looked at Akash at the same time as he, and he slightly shook his head and smiled a little, trying to tell me that everything would be fine. And I smiled in return. I hope you're right, Akash. I really hope you're right.

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