Epilogue II

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I nervously tapped my feet on the ground, then started shaking them as I sat outside the OT with my whole family while Payal was inside.

God, please let her be fine. Please let her be okay. And please let the baby be okay. Please.

I slowly exhaled through my mouth as I felt anxiety creeping through my guts while my whole body shook.

Please let Payal and the baby be perfectly fine and healthy.

"Don't worry. She'll be fine." Bhai said from beside me as my throat dried.

I looked at him on my right, and I nervously nodded as I clasped my hands together tightly to stop them from shaking.

"I have arranged for the best doctors in the country. She's in good hands." He added again.

I tried to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth. So instead, I just nodded.

"Oh gods, what is taking so long?" Maa said as she tried to peek inside the ot through the small round glass on the wooden door.

"Manorama, have patience!" Dadi said it from the other side.

"How can I Sasuma? Bitiya has been inside for so long. What if there's some problem?" I looked up at Maa.

"What problems?" I asked as I stood. "Payal was perfectly fine. She didn't have any complications."

I stared at her with slightly parted lips as I felt my heart banging on my ribs at every beat. She's fine.

"Akash, she's fine. Don't worry!" Di said as she placed a hand on my shoulder, but I looked at Dadi.


She looked at me, then calmly smiled. "You saw her yourself. You answer me."

"She was fine. Even happy and excited." I answered as I felt my brows tugging and wetting my lips.

"Don't worry, then!" She replied, then again started knitting the sweater she was making for the baby.

Why haven't Amma and Babu Ji come yet?

I turned to Di.

"Amma, Babu Ji?"

"They were on their way. Maybe th..."

"Payaliya..." We looked behind us, but the hallway was empty.

"Hai Nandkishore!" I looked behind again and found Bua Ji, Amma, and Babu Ji coming towards us in a hurry.

"How is Payaliya?" They asked in unison with wide eyes as they breathed heavily.

"She's fine." I answered as I felt a little calm with them. "But why are you so late?"

"Madhumati Ji, It's been 71 minutes." Maa said from behind me, then came up to Bua Ji, and they started worrying together.

"Where's Khushi?" I asked as I looked at the empty hallway again.

"Arre, Bitwa, don't ask about that idiot, Sanka Devi." Bua Ji said as she shook her head with wide eyes and then looked at me. "She almost killed us with her driving skills. But thanks to Nandkishore, Suraj Bitwa was there to calm her Sanak."

"But where is Khushi Ji?" Di asked. "Payal was looking for her before going to the OT."

"Arre, she hit a car in front of the hospital, then started arguing with that driver. So we left her to argue." Bua Ji answered.

"I'll go and handle it!" Bhai said as he stood up.

"Don't worry, no one can do anything to Sanka Devi. But if you're worried about that driver, then Suraj is there to save him from her." She added, then went to Maa and Dadi.

I glanced at Bhai, then shared a look with Di before the sound of something running reached me and I looked up. Khushi ran straight to me and stopped a few feet away, with Suraj right by her side.

"Jiji." She breathed heavily. "How- how is Jiji?"

"She is fine. Don't worry!" I said it with a nervous smile, then looked at Suraj. "Is the driver okay?"

He smiled as he looked at Khushi, who was now in a deep conversation with Di, then turned to me.

"She slapped him. But other than that, everything is fine." He nodded with another deep smile.

I nodded and glanced at Bhai, who was now sitting alone while glaring at Suraj and staring at Khushi.

Well, not everyone has the chance to meet their ex-wife's husband, now do they?

"Congratulations, it's a girl!" I turned at the voice and found the OT door open with a baby in the nurse's arms.

And I was the happiest person in the world for the second time. Because the first place will always be Payal's.

The End

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