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Rosie and Alastor's POV

"Alastor! How could you murder someone! Especially in front of the kiddo?!" Rosie whisper yelled.

"I didn't even know she was near me! I didn't even see her before or after the murder." Alastor snapped back.

"The poor thing was crying hysterically when she came back to me. Hell, she was bawling her eyes out! That's when she told me that she saw a dead body! And she'll told me there was a mic staff laying against the wall! Sounds a lot like your mic staff, doesn't it?" Rosie growls.

"Whatever! I killed someone and someone saw, so what? Get over it, now who's the one you wanted me to drive to the hotel? I don't have all day, you know." Alastor was tired of talking about the murder. He just wanted to do what he was told to.

"The demon who's innocence is now shattered thanks to you and your careless bullshit." Rosie rolled her eyes.

Your POV

"What's taking Rosie so long?"

You thought to yourself as you fidgeted with the name tag. Who was Vixen? Did she deserve to die? Was she meant to be food for the cannibal restaurant? All types of questions roamed and lived rent-free in your head as you couldn't stop thinking about what you saw. You then noticed a tall deer demon walking towards you. He had red-hair, antlers, and a wide smile. It was creepy, yet comforting in a way.

"Uhm, can I help you find anything?" You said. You thought he was a customer.

"I don't think I've introduced myself, huh? Apologies, my dear. I'm Alastor!" He said in a friendly tone as he shook your hand.

"Right... I'm Y/N"

"Oh what a lovely name that is! I assume you're the one who wanted a ride to the Hazbin Hotel?"

You nodded. You wanted to leave as soon as you could.

"Come along, dear. Don't be shy, I don't bite!"

You followed Alastor to his car. Alastor opened the door for you.

"After you, my dear"

You thought this was kind of cute. What a gentleman! You walked past him as he opened the door for you. He opened his passenger seat car for you too. You smiled as you climbed inside the C/C colored vehicle.

As he hopped into the drivers seat, he started up the car and smiled at you as they started driving. He noticed you were quiet and in deep thought.

"Is something bothering you, dear?"

You snapped out of it and looked at him.

"Oh yeah, I just zoned out a bit. Sorry!"

Alastor nodded, his smile still wide

"Rosie told me you saw a dead body, is that true?"

"Yeah... It was a lamb demon. I think her name was Vixen. I picked up the name tag. Beside her corpse, was a mic staff. I feel like I should know who did it but I don't."

Alastor thought for a minute.

"What if you just imagined it?"

You paused. The name tag was proof that it was real. You felt a bit hurt since he was basically calling you crazy.

"I'm sure! I know what I saw!"

"Okay, okay. Why don't we go see if your hallucinations are true? We'll go to the restaurant alley and we'll look for any signs of a murder. How's that sound?"

You nodded. You were finally gonna prove that was you saw was real.

Mixed Feelings |~Hazbin Hotel~|Where stories live. Discover now