Extermination After-effects

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Your POV

You closed your eyes. Death was near and you knew it. You heard the blaster being cocked at you and Alastor. You knew you were gonna die. Alastor held you close to him. Tears rolled down your cheeks. The injection was starting to wear off, but even then it wouldn't matter. You and Alastor would soon be disintegrated into nothingness. You heard Adam laughing maniacally.

"Begone, demons."

You cried silently. You said one last thing to Alastor.

"Thank you, Alastor... I'll never forget you..."

Then Adam pulled the trigger. The last thing you saw was Alastor holding you close to him as his body shielded you.

Get up... It's not your time... Wake up...

You woke up back at the Hazbin Hotel. Your vision was very limited and blurry, but it was enough. You saw Vaggie, Charlie, and Nifty wrapping your foot in bandages. You saw Husker handing Angel Dust a drink while he stares at his phone without a care in the world. You saw Alastor on the couch. He looked exhausted as he tapped his foot nervously and fidgeted with his mic staff. When Alastor looked up from his staff, he ran to your bed. He pushed Vaggie and Nifty away from your bed and checked on you. He cared... He actually cared. A cannibalistic murderer cared about you. Wait, you're forgetting the most important thing. How did you survive? The angels blasted you and Alastor. You two should be dead. How are you guys alive? You wanted to ask, but it's like you couldn't talk. It's like you were still paralyzed. Alastor spoke up.

"Dear, are you okay?"

You wanted to say something, but you couldn't. Vaggie got up from the ground and rolled her eyes.

"Y/N is fine. We injected a shot that paralyzed Y/N so the pain was bearable to the point you can't feel it."

Alastor grabbed your hand. His hands felt warm for once. Charlie tilted her head.

"How did this even happen?"

Alastor let go of your hand as he turned to Charlie and sighed with guilt.

"The angels cornered us in an alley. Adam pointed a holy blaster at us. I shielded Y/N with my body. After Adam blasted us, it only hurt me. Y/N passed out from fear and the injection reached her brain, paralyzing her completely. I still managed to create a portal back here to try and save Y/N. It's a shame, she hasn't even woken up yet. I'm worried Y/N is really hurt or close to death. I don't know what I would do to myself. Knowing I'm the reason an angel killed a simple sinner like Y/N."

Vaggie looked confused.

"Wouldn't that be good? I mean, if Y/N dies you'll be able to eat."

Alastor slapped Vaggie across the face. He looked pissed. Charlie gasped and Nifty covered her mouth. Vaggie rubbed the side of her face where Alastor had slapped her. Alastor spoke with a pissed and raised voice.

"You think I would go through all that trouble and just eat Y/N?! Are you insane?! I get that's your best guess since I'm a cannibal and the Radio Demon, but I wouldn't eat the corpse of someone I fucking love!"

You could hear what he said. Alastor loved you. He didn't care about you. He loved you. The Radio Demon, a cannibalistic murderer loved you of all demons. In a way, you felt the same way. He was such a gentleman to you. He protected you and stood by your side even though he could've died doing so. He didn't give up on you. And he still hasn't. He saved you. He's standing by your bed, worried about your well-being. You finally got the ability to speak, but could only say so little.


The gang stopped arguing and looked down at you, shocked. Alastor grabbed your hand and kissed it. He held it close to his cheek as tears strolled down his cheeks.

"My dear, I'm so glad you're okay."

You tried rolling your eyes to hide your feelings, but that didn't work it since you still felt paralyzed. You couldn't help but notice the genuine care in his glistening red eyes. He looked so perfect to you. He was the only demon that had actually cared for you and stayed behind with you. Alastor hugged you tightly and you hugged him back. Well at least you tried to. Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust were dumbfounded. Nifty watched in awe. Husk didn't even notice. Maybe this is the beginning of something beautiful.

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