Chapter 3: The Return

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It was an oddly gloomy evening in Amity Park, Illinois. The town had just gotten one the few storms that tended to happen in July, which left the sky dark with clouds and the ground wet with precipitation. Most decided to stay in that night, deciding to just move their fun plans to the next day. Few, however, were still out as it was one of the last Fridays of the summer.

One of those few happened to be Valerie Gray, Amity Park's very own Red Huntress. The young woman was walking around the city, deciding to do her patrol in her civilian clothes, which she had been doing more and more over the last few years.

Ever since Phantom, Danny, had disappeared, ghost attacks were much less frequent, and those who did attack were often weak, mindless lesser ghosts that had no real idea what they were doing.

So Valerie had been the Red Huntress less and less. Now she mostly kept up patrols just in case.

Just in case Danny returned.

Although the teen no longer had any romantic feelings for her ex, she still cared for her friend, and was incredibly worried for him.

As she walked, her thoughts couldn't help but wander to the last time she had seen him.

It was on his birthday. She had asked her Dad to drive her to the Nasty Burger, where she knew he was going to be celebrating with his friends, so that she could give him his birthday gift. She remembered meeting him out in the parking lot, and shoving her gift into his hands, embarrassed. She had also apologized for all the things she had said and done to him when she had thought that Phantom was evil. She remembered his lopsided grin as he had told her it was no biggie, and that he understood. He had said he hoped they could be friends, and that hopefully they could work together sometime.

She also remembered not being able to respond, as her father called her over, reminding her that he had an interview and he needed to get going.

She remembered watching him in the side mirror until they turned the corner.

She remembered hearing the explosion from a few streets away.

She remembered putting on her suit and flying back in the direction she had just come from, her heart beating out of her chest.

She remembered being the first one on the scene.

She remembered seeing her present, the dark red paper torn and box open, with the gift still inside.

But Danny wasn't there.

There was only a smear of blood next to the box.

She remembered taking the gift, knowing that she was likely tampering with evidence but she didn't care.

She remembered watching the news that night, seeing the CCTV footage that they showed.

She saw herself hand her friend his present. She saw them talk for a moment before she had to leave. She saw him stand there for a while, watching her go before he opened the gift. She thought she saw him smile.

She watched with bated breath as her friend turned to head back into the restaurant, only for him to be thrown back as the entire building went up in smoke. 

She watched as the footage cut out, and listened as the news anchor stated that Danny was missing.

Everything after that for the next year was a blur.

The police are questioning her.

The funerals.

The search parties.

Everyone at school is constantly talking about it.

The only thing that she appreciated from the whole mess was that the ones who had bullied Danny, Sam, and Tucker had changed their tunes after.

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