Chapter 4: On the Run Again

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It had been nearly a month since the siblings had reunited. Danny had taken to splitting his time between the Zone and the living world. He stayed with Jazz, sleeping in her extra room, or at least he was supposed to.

Most of the time the teen was sleeping on an air mattress in his sister's room. His nightmares weren't as bad when he was in her presence. 

When Danny was in the Zone, he continued to train his powers and get stronger, having lost a lot of his skill and strength being locked up for so long. He was steadily putting on some muscle, but it was lean, leaving him to still look rather skinny.

He had also come across some of his old enemies while hanging in the Zone. It kind of weirded him out when none of them attacked him, in fact a lot of them were actually cordial with him.

Youngblood had even asked if Danny wanted to play with him when he had seen the teen moping on one of the floating islands one day.

A few of them are still not exactly nice to him, like Spectra and her goon Bertrand, as well as Skulker, but they left him alone for the most part.

Danny could even say he had developed a bit of a friendship with Ember, Johnny and Kitty. Shadow could still be a little shit at times, though.

All and all things were going relatively smoothly.

That is until today.


Danny had been flying around the Zone, testing how long he could keep up his top speed, which had recently hit close to 600 mph, when everything slowed around him.

Danny, of course was unaware of this as he too had been caught in the time magic, but he was quickly released as Clockwork placed one of his medallions over the boy's head. 

The teen shot forward, having to really put on the brakes when he noticed how still everything was as well as the new weight around his neck. He quickly made his way back to the Master of Time, smiling sheepishly at the old Ghost.

“Sorry,” He muttered, embarrassed.

The cyan Ghost gave an amused smile,” That is alright, Daniel. I knew what would happen when I timed you back in.”

The teen gave a grateful smile, glad the man wasn't angry with him. He was still a bit skittish, what with anger often leading to pain back in the lab. His gaze then turned curious.

“So what's up? You don't usually leave your tower unless it's something majorly important.”

The Ghost nodded. 

“Yes, something has happened.”

Danny was a bit worried. Last time something like this happened, he had to fight an evil version of himself from an alternate timeline.

“Ok,” the teen dragged out the response, urging the now infant Ghost to explain.

“I was looking through the timelines early this morning, and I saw something of concern. In 2 weeks time, the AGA will find a natural portal to the Ghost Zone. Once they enter, their equipment will pick up on your Ecto-signature, and they will tear apart the Zone to get to you.”

Danny's eyes were wide in horror. His breathing began to pick up, mind racing with thoughts of what would happen, not only to him but to the lesser Ghosts in the Zone, if they came after him.

“W-what do we do,” Danny stuttered, using the techniques Jazz had shown him to keep himself from falling into a panic attack.

“I have already spoken to the observants. They believe it would be best for you to leave the Zone for the time being. They are currently after you, not only because of your unique circumstances, but also because their head wants revenge for destroying their main facility.”

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