10|the celebration of death

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THE TRAIN RIDE BACK TO DISTRICT 4 WAS DISTURBING TO SAY THE LEAST. Pearl was congratulated by everyone she saw.

Yet, she didn't feel like she accomplished anything she should be proud of. Pearl had went into an arena and murdered children. She was traumatized and was on the verge of death. What about that is a victory?

Mags understood her frustration. Bubble has squealed and said how amazing Pearl did, and the victor almost lunged at her. Mags had looked at her sympathetically as if she was saying I understand.

"Am I going to have to be a mentor with you?" Pearl asked in the silent train.

Pearl knew the answer, but she just didn't want it to actually be the answer. She didn't want to have to train kids to send them into the arena.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Pearl slammed her fist down onto the table. "He even makes sure we suffer after the games, huh?"

Mags nodded. "Welcome to the life of a victor, Pearl. It's not all as glorious as it appeals."

Pearl saw this coming, but she never truly imagined her new life. Would it be the same? Would it be different? Pearl would give anything just to live normally with her family again.

"At least you'll get to move into Victor's Village with me," Mags told Pearl.

Pearl briefly knew of Victor's Village, but she felt inclined to know more. "We have to move homes?"

"All of the victors and their families get to move to Victor's Village, which is a wealthy and luxurious neighborhood in each district."

Pearl thought about a home that appeared as a miniature mansion. It sounded great and all, but she didn't want that. She wanted her family's little home by the water.

Now she was forced to move into a place in her district that would heavily resemble the Capitol. Pearl was sure Snow must have more surveillance over Victor's Village, which infuriated her more.

The train came to a stop in District 4. Pearl could have sworn she was back in the Capitol when she heard cheering. The people of the districts rarely cheered for anything that had to do with the sick Hunger Games.

Pearl was brought out onto the same stage she stood on at the reaping. She hesitated before smiling and waving at the crowd. This was the happiest she had seen her people in a long time.

Everyone cheered and many kids were waving to her. Pearl felt special, and for a moment she was relieved. She was home, and she had survived.

The guilt hit again. 23 other children didn't make it home. Opal and Apollo weren't able to make it back to their district.

"May I present the victor of the 15th Hunger Games, Pearl Bazin of District 4!" Bubble exclaimed.

Pearl forced an even bigger smile as she looked around at the faces in the crowd. Her face genuinely lit up when she saw Marie on her mother's shoulders.

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