The Fading

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The plan hadn't worked. Well it did, the angels and demons figured that Maggie was now too unholy to give the second Jesus to, but they found that Crowley was involved. Now angels were coming down to fight, with demons by-standing to watch the downfall of Crowley. The metatron walks into the bookshop with a smile.

"Hello, traitor, hello Aziraphale." He smiles, and Aziraphale looks down at the briefcase tucked under his arm.

"Hello... hello Metatron... lovely night we're having, hm?" He inched towards Crowley, who seemed rather tired and fatigued at the moment.

The metatron's smile drops, and he sets the briefcase on a nearby table, opening it. "Aziraphale I am shocked that your friend is still here, but I saw the photos, and I know it must be happening soon, so I came to watch." Before Aziraphale could ask what the metatron was going on about or what he meant by "coming to watch," Crowley stumbled and collapsed behind him. Aziraphale gasped and went down on his knees, pulling Crowley close.

"Crowley... what... oh... no..." He looks down as Crowley's sleeve rides up his arm, which appears to be missing. "They... they've erased you."

Crowley nods weakly with a groan. "Don't worry, it'll all be ok soon." He laughs and then hisses. Aziraphale pulls his sunglasses off and pulls Crowley's face into his hands.

"No it won't. I can't... I can't just forget you." Aziraphale whines, ignoring the angels and few demons that accompanied them.

Crowley huffs and slowly brings his hand up to grasp at Aziraphale's. "You don't have a choice, I'm fading, I'll be gone soon. I will never have existed. Don't worry, when I'm gone your life will be so much easier. No pesky demons interfering in your life."

Aziraphale sniffs, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, "It might be easier but it won't be as good. Life with you is good, I can't lose that. I won't. Crowley you can't leave me... please don't..." He leans down, pressing their foreheads together.

Crowley shushes him quietly, Aziraphale can vaguely hear stumbling and crashing behind him, but he ignores it. "It'll all be ok, angel, it'll be alright. Shhh..." he tilts his head so their noses brush together.

Holding Crowley close, Aziraphale sobs. "I can't... I can't leave you... don't leave me... I know I've been selfish, I know I've asked too much of you but I need you to listen to me now. Don't leave me now... not after everything... I-"

He cuts himself off, out of words and opting instead to pull Crowley in for a kiss. It's soft, much softer than their first, only with as much if not more tears. He whines into the kiss and Crowley breaks it off, looking up at the angel with a small smile, Aziraphale is stuck looking into those gorgeous golden eyes, unable to look anywhere else.

"I love you, angel, and I won't accept your forgiveness."

And with that, Crowley fades from existence, taking his memory with him but not his love, which remained with Aziraphale, and always would.

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