Chapter 2 ''Fights & Apologizing''

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As i walked inside the school, i couldnt believe what i saw, i saw all my friends in the register asking questions, and i walked up to them.

Marina ''Guys?!? What are you doing here??'',

Ogulcan ''Suprise!!'',

Aybike ''Oof! Finaly someone we know is coming here!'', Marina laughs

Asiye ''Marina can you help us find our class? Its the ?/? class'',

Marina ''I guess its your lucky day-'',

Omer ''Are we in the same class?!'', Marina nods and smiles

Marina ''Exactly!'',

As they walked inside the class, after us the teacher walked in, and introduced her self to the new kids. Im sitting in the same seat with Melisa, she is the only girl i like in our class. Once the guys were going to sit down in their seats, Berk started acting like a chicken.

Marina whispers ''Is he serious..'',

Harika ''Does this place now smells like a chicken coop or something? Oof so bad!''

Teacher ''Whats going on, why are you laughing? Be quite'',

Omer ''Teacher, my friends making fun of us, its okay'',

Teacher ''Why? Whats going on Harika?'',

Harika shakes her head ''Nothing'',

Doruk ''They understood, teacher'',

Teacher ''Is this how you welcome our new students guys? What are you trying to do?'',

Marina ''Yes, thats how they welcome...'', whispers and Melisa looks at her with a sorry face.

- skip time to after school -

Ogulcan drove them back to their house Marina decided to go over help the girls to study since they didnt know how this school works. Once they arrived they noticed new things around the kids new house.

Omer ''Woah! We have a window??''

Asiye ''Oh!, The chimney is smoking too'', says with a smile

Omer ''The chicken coop is so beautiful-'', then the door from the chicken coop opens and Emel comes out and talks about how their uncle did everything to make it a house, and we all walked inside the now house.

Orhan ''Welcome kids'', says with a big smile once we all walked in, we all started looking around the now new house, it was amazing.

Asiye ''Uncle, what have you done?'',

Orhan ''I made you guys a home, dont you guys like it?'', says with a smile

Asiye ''It turned out very beautiful uncle!'', and hugs him..

-skip some time-

-at school-

I saw Omer walking to Doruk and the others, while i was walking to the guys, what the hell?

Marina ''What is going on?'', no one said a thing, then Omer walked over.

Asiye ''Whats up Omer? Why are they calling you to their place?'',

Omer ''Dont worry Asiye, they just invited me to a match, nothing else'',

Aybike ''When did you manage to make friends?'',

Omer ''There is no friendship, i will not go anyway'',

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