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“Jimin… you don't have to relate my words to your marriage. She is upset and you've to make up for what has happened,” you look at him, making him sigh in defeat. 

“I don't want to let her go…” he mumbles, looking at you with small eyes.

“You don't have to. Just be with her. You know what women want… time. Just give her time, listen to her complaints. I am sure she must have a lot to say.” Your words were strong enough to make him understand.

As you both drive to the court, you take a deep breath in your lungs before getting out of the car. You were ready, finally ready to face Taehyung without any guilt, fear of losing him.. 

The hearing starts and as expected when your lawyer puts forward the photos taken secretly of Taehyung and Eleanor,  Taehyung's lawyer denies it in a fraction of second. And your lawyer had the best alternative to it which both parties knew.  Mr. Choi had already taken permission from the Judge for bringing Eleanor to the court. Taehyung's lawyer was beyond mad when Mr. Choi asked Eleanor to enter the cubicle.

For the whole time you tried your best not to look at her. You hated how you couldn't control yourself. You move your lowered head to look at her. You liked how she looks, how pretty she was, how her smile reaches her cheeks when she mentions Taehyung in a joke that she is just a friend to him, and how her slender fingers push her hair back, her body looking as soft as melted butter. She looked too pretty to be on earth. 

“I am not pregnant,” words slip off her mouth, making you laugh at her sentence as you catch everyone's attention.

Like girl, anyone can see your bump now. 

“So Miss Eleanor, you are saying you are not pregnant. But your tests and ultrasound reports say something else. You honour, I would like to present few reports I found from City Hospital where Miss Eleanor is having her gynec checkups at regular intervals,” Mr. Choi presents the reports to the judge. 

After a long hour discussion the court decides to finalise its decision after lunch. As you and Jimin come out of the courtroom with Mr. Choi you find Taehyung and Eleanor discussing something serious. 

Taehyung's hand reaches to rub her back, soothing her as she gets hyper due to some reason. He tries to assure her while you watch them, thinking why did he fail? Why did he fail to recognize you and your love? 

He had to just take one step and you promised him you'll be there for him in every birth of yours. 

“You did great, my love,” you assure yourself and thus, turning your back towards them, you leave to have lunch. 

For the whole lunch, Jimin keeps discussing ways to protect companies from loss or getting bankrupt.

It was like asking the grocery man about the share market. Mr. Choi was too stunned to answer his questions. He kept questioning, questioning and… questioning. 

“I am sorry, Mr. Choi,” you laugh it off, and by dragging Jimin's arm you indicate to him to stop. Your soft palms wrap around his well built bicep, tugging on it. The warmth of your skin burns his icy skin as he felt melting of his skin under your touch. His gaze was burning, as he kept staring at the soup bowl. While you kept on conversing  with Mr. Choi forgetting your hand around Jimin's arm.

“And one fine day, we became friends from a mere employee and a boss. I am glad to have him beside me…” words slip off your mouth, and by seeing Jimin's quiet mode you turn to take a look at him.

He was frozen. Like, literally frozen?!

Before you speak, he gets a call which brings him out of his world. Sliding on the green tap, he answers it. He excuses you two and leaps off to the corner of the restaurant. You and Mr. Choi continued with the lunch and talked about a few things regarding the case. 

From the corner of your eyes, you found Jimin having a tough conversation with the person on call. He seemed tense, his rough palm pulling his hair back, exposing his forehead. He shakes his head disagreeing with whatever the other person says, his voice almost picks up the volume but soon he realises the place, making him quieter, and finally, agreeing to the other person's words. 

Putting the phone back in his back pocket, he reaches you two. His steps stop at the table, as you shift your chair a little, giving him space to take his seat. But he doesn't get seated. Instead, he picks up his car keys. His apologetic eyes meet your concerned gaze. You understood something was happening, something disturbing. 

Irene,” he speaks. And you know she needs him. He needs to be there with her. You nod, expressing he doesn't need to say more. Their relationship,  their love wasn't something to be discussed. 

“Thank you. Call me after hearing,” he announces before leaving. 

Jimin's house

“I said… I want to go and you can't, you don't have the right to stop me!!” She argues, her soft voice reaching the highest note. Her arms raise high in the air as her once love filled gaze turns cold, painted red. 

“Irrr, baby you can go. I am not allowed to stop you. No one is. I am just asking you to take my car. And take phone with you,” Jimin pleads, steps following his wife. She huffs a loud disappointed groan before taking a seat on the bed. Kneeling before her figure, he places his palms on her lap holding her smooth carved palms. 

His touch is enough to break her. Her tightened jaw loses as she swallows aching lump down her throat. Her blurred vision looks at him, as she wonders why God brought both of them at this point? Why was their unconditional love so conditioned now? There was no love now… just a marriage to work upon for his reputation, for their families. She once loved him for his stupidest mistakes but now his perfectness also makes her loathe him. Jimin was her biggest blessing and yet the biggest curse. 

“I said to you so many times, I don't want a phone. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't need your help everywhere I go,” she looks away, blinking away her warm tears. 

“Baby, I know and I have always understood you. But you are leaving for one week right now… and it's a trip to God knows which island. I don't want to take a risk with you or your health,” he emphasises, stroking her hand gently. His words might have had amusement for which Irene laughed sarcastically. 

“Really? You care about me and MY HEALTH? Where were you when our… our baby was…” Jimin gets up, stepping away from her. His posture stiffens, jaw tightens while he looks away to avoid her questioning gaze.

“Never say that again. And never complete that. I was there… it wasn't in my hands to save…” he words get cut in middle of his say.

“It was. You didn't try. You were so involved in your work… you didn't try! You didn't try! You never tried!” She yells, breathing heavy as her nostrils flare up high, anger pouring down her eyes in form of tears. 

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