Chapter three

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- Check this out - Pope said - Sophie and Rafe? This must be interesting

- The fuck? Is she insane?! - JJ said

- Guys let's just calm down, they haven't seen each other for quite long time - Sarah pointed out. They are obviously gonna catch up or something

They were observing the conversation, when they saw rafe hugging Sophie really deeply.

-oh that's not okay - Pope stated

-she's insane. Do you guys really think that he was a nice person back then? Well I don't so either she had a crush on him or he had a crush on her - JJ said

- Are you all insane? They hated each other as I can remember and that hug? Well they just haven't seen one another, that's all I think - Kiara said

The pogues were observing Sophie and Rafe for the whole time. Then they noticed that the conversation wasn't going really well and Sophie started going towards them very annoyed.


This fucking asshole - I started talking to myself while going back to where the pogues were sitting. When I reached them I noticed very weird looks from them.

- what? - I asked

- why were you talking to Rafe? - John B asked me

- we just exchanged few words. Thats it. Haven't seen him for quite some time. Why?

- well, you might wanna keep your distance from that one babe. - Kiara pointed out

- What? - I asked really confused and looked at Sarah - as I can remember and I think my memory is pretty good, he's you brother Sarah. Isn't he?

- well by blood, yeah. But he has done pretty awful things. Besides, I don't live in the house anymore

- Wait seriously? What happened

- we just didn't get along. I won't bore you with all of it. My dad started getting crazy protective and possessive of me. Rafe was the worst one. He was psychotic, abusive and manipulative. He's always been a bad guy Sophie. You just never noticed it.

-wow - i said. - i had no idea

-yea well, just make sure you would keep your distance


I said that but I just couldn't  believe what I heard. I remembered Rafe being mean but abusive? I mean he is kinda a bad person but I wouldn't say all that. But I will try to keep my distance. I'm not saying it will be 100% not seeing each other kind of relationship because we live like 10 minutes by feet from one another but I will try of course.

After a few hours I decided to go home, it was a really overwhelming night. All this informations,.. I mean I never saw that coming. I was a little shocked but I just made new friends so I'm gonna stay fully loyal. I don't want to end up alone. And to be fair you could never trust Rafe so I maybe saw that coming? I don't know. There's a lot on my mind right now.

I started my car and began to drive home. It was very late and dark everywhere. There are barely any lamps on the streets.

- JESUS FUCK!! - I screamed and immediately hit the breaks when I saw a person dressed all black appearing from nowhere in front of my car. I started honking on the person because they just wouldn't move. I oppened the window and screamed - EY YO! CAN YOU MOVE FOR GODS SAKE? - when they turned around my heart stopped. Rafe. Mother. Fucking. Cameron. With earphones

He started to approach my window. Probably to see who was in the car. I was. My heart started beating like crazy because what is he going to do? After all that stories I've heard today. "Breath, just breath" I kept saying to myself quietly.

-it's you - he said with smile

-Thats all you have to say to me? - my blood started boiling cause what the fuck. I could've killed him

-And that's all you have to say to ME? - he let out a little smirk

- yes? You are wearing all black, blasting music in the middle of nowhere! You could've died!

- yes. Because of you. - he said like it was obviously my fault

- you're acting like I'm the one to blame. Rafe you are impossible to see dressed like that!

- But you could've been more careful!!

- WHAT!? - I exploded. - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Jesus Rafe I'm not going to repeat this a thousand times! You. Are. Wearing. All. Black. ! How was I supposed to see you! Besides I was driving the speed limit so I did nothing wrong. You wanna sue me? Well let's see who wins that battle. - I smirked and felt proud cause of that monologue. Good comeback Sophie.

- aren't you overreacting a little?

- I would kill you if you'd scratch that car. And let's not play that game of who screams louder cause guess who would win that. - I smiled with that proud look on my face. We stared at each other for seconds - wait why are you walking here alone tho.

- I had couple of drinks so I obviously couldn't drive but I forgot about that and didn't ask anyone for a ride so

I sighed.

-fine, get in


-get in I said. I won't let you walk in the dark dressed like no one can see you. It's dangerous and because I didn't kill you doesn't mean no one will

-okay, you made a point here I'll give you that - he said that and went to open the passenger door

I started driving when I felt eyes on me. Yep. He kept looking at me.

-what? - I asked politely


-but you keep looking at me so something has to be up 

-I just couldn't help but noticed that you changed so much

-what do you mean?

-I don't know. You're just different. Less... shy and boring

-wow, you just know how to say a compliment - I laughed

-no I mean it - he turned his body towards me - you are different. More interesting. I like it

I smiled a little. I did change in fact but I didn't think he would pay attention to it.

- and besides, you are really confident and sure of yourself. That's very attractive - he said while looking straight at me

-well thanks. That's nice of you - I smiled

I dropped him off by his house and drove to mine. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. And about what Sarah said earlier. How can he be abusive and toxic and a gentleman in one time. This man is so hard to figure out.


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