Chapter five

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I was driving to the Camerons House. Really annoyed. I mean Rafe is nice don't get me wrong but all the stories that Sarah told me? I can't get in the middle of them. I want peace. That's what im here for.

I parked in the driveway and began to walk to the front door. I knocked. No one answered. I knocked again. Still no one. And I knew he was there because he's having his friends over or something. I started knocking really loudly. Like punching the door.

-Calm down I'm coming - I heard really quiet voice from the inside

He opened the door. When he saw me he did a really shocked face.

-what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming

-yeah well, my dad left a file or something here so I'm here to pick it up - I smiled

-Well I don't know where is it. Unless you want to look for it?

-That'd be great - I said while walking through the door

-cool. Do you want to stay after? Im having a little party

-I'd rather not - I knew that his parties were no good

He looked really busted. I could say by what. Alcohol? Well maybe. I tried to not think what the could be doing there.

I went to the office to look for it. He went right after me.

-what are you doing? - I said

-nothing, I can't leave you alone here - he said like it was obvious

-excuse me?

-let me help you - he said completely ignoring my last question

-I don't need your help. I'm fine by myself - I said - do you even know how it looks like?

-No. Do you know how it looks like?-he smirked

-I don't but I can find It alone. I don't need your pitty.

-It will be faster when I help. Trust me

He annoyed me like hell but he was right, it would be faster. We kept looking on a different sides of Ward's office and I didn't see anything.

-I think I have it - He said and I immediately turned around

-oh my god! look where you're going! - I said when we bumped into each other what made him drop the file with all the papers

We both reached to the floor to pick up all the documents.

-Here let me help you - he said

-Im quite alright, you made this mess

-yeah, after you bumped into me weirdo

-don't call me weirdo asshole - I looked at him

-calm down it was a joke - he laughed and picked the last paper - here - he said while giving me all he picked

-stupid joke then - I said dead serious when yanking all he had in his hands

-geez - he said

-what? - I said angrily

-you seem tense

-I don't - I said and packed all the papers to my dad's file

-you are. Did I do something?

I didn't say anything and went straight to the door.

-I asked you something - he said while shutting the door before I had the chance to go through it. He kept his hand on it so I wouldn't be able to open the door.

SECRET LOVE  {Rafe Cameron}Where stories live. Discover now