9-♬ Concert pt 2

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Cast Chat

Leah: Yo walks, howz the concert?

Dior: I think you mean, How's your WIFE

Leah: Wanna see my wedding board?

Dior: Um yes? Send it in, I need to see this.

Leah: *Link*

Aryan: I gotta see this.

Walker: wait what?

Leah: omgosh. Send pics of the concert right now or I will end you.

Walker: Haven't taken any. But dude, there is so much confetti. I think I have about eight pieces stuck in my lungs rn. Worth it though.

Dior: Not even pictures of your sweet sweet wife? 👉👈

Leah: confetti? Stuff your pockets, I want someeee.

Walker: Why do you want concert confetti?

Leah: Never ask a woman why she wants confetti. Just provide.

Dior: Preach.

Aryan: I love women. But ya'll are weird sometimes.

Dior: We have our reasons.

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As the concert went on, I kept thinking about that interaction we had. She winked at me, ohmygoshhhh. Around the time the concert was halfway done, they did an intermission/break type thing. I watched Y/n wave at the crowd and walk backstage. Bro I'm such a creep wtf.

"I'll be right back, gonna get some water. Do you need anything?" Charlie said, patting my shoulder and walking off. 

"Just water thanks"

about a minute later I noticed Oscar walk back out onto the stage, following him was y/n.

"Oscar was bored so we're gonna hang with you guys :)" she said, slightly hitting Oscar on the back of the head.

People yelled and screamed. "WE LOVE YOU OSCAR" "Y/N WILL YOU MARRY ME?" and "OSCAR, TAKE A PICTURE" He took the girls phone, and held it up to take a selfie with him and the crowd.

"Let me in this one Scee" y/n said, and slid in beside Oscar.

He handed the girl her phone back and then said "Okay, I'm gonna read signs now." people held them up high. " Alright then 'Don't tell my mom I'm here' eh? Your secret is safe with me." He laughed.

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Oscar bumped my arm to tell me to read the next one. "Ooh I see one, way back there. 'Give Martie my number —---' Lemmie write that down then." I reply, with full intent to give it to him. I pulled out an old pen and wrote it on a slip of confetti. "He will get this. And that's a promise" I laugh.

" Next one. 'My cousin has a crush on you y/n' Well good to know I suppose." I say. The boy beside her screams. I wonder if that was her cousin... Anyway, Oscar read more signs, giggling and being really nice to the fans. But I just couldn't help ignore Walker glancing up at me literally every few seconds...

The rest of the concert went well. I didn't mess up any notes and everyone seemed to have a great time. Now I just had to wipe off all the sweat and makeup so I would look presentable afterwards. I changed my outfit and re-did my makeup since it had gotten pretty smudged and ugly throughout the show.

Thankfully, the meet was at a different location and we didn't have to be there for another twenty minutes. 

We left the stadium and we all hopped into the big black SUV that Ellie liked to call sparkles. It was because a couple months ago, she managed to spill an entire bottle of green glitter all over the floor and seats of the vehicle. I probably still have glitter in my hair from that day.

The SUV drove behind a large white building lined with people.  

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