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No, I did not fall asleep at Walkers. I knew Ellie and Martie would never shut up about me never coming back that night, so I was driven home. He walked with me all the way up to my room and kissed my cheek before leaving. Cutie.

"Ells, Mart? Y'all still here?" I say aloud.

I hear a shuffle from outside my door. "Y/n, Tell me EVERYTHING!" I heard Els say from behind the wooden door. Thank God, they left. Wait THEY LEFT, WHAT IF THEY SAID SOMETHING TO WALKER? WHAT IF THEY S–"Y/N!!! Open up! The hallway is really cold and my fuzzy pants aren't helping AT ALL"

I opened the door. Ellie ran inside and belly flopped onto the bed with a muffled *FOOMP* I closed the door and locked it before skipping back over to El. *FOOMP* I hopped onto the bed beside her. She turned and sat up and crossed her fuzzy pants covered legs. "Tell. Me. Everything" She said, shining an excited smile my way as I sat up against the pillows.

"Okay okay okay. So basically—" I continued. Her face changed with every twist.

"And then he dropped me off back at my room" I grinned.

😱 Her face. In a good way.

"So?" I say since she just sat there with her mouth open.

"I want what you and Walker have." She chuckled. "That's so cute, but I have some bad news"

Ellie never has bad news. But knowing her, it could range from losing her hairspray to a death sentence in federal prison.

"What kind of bad?"

"This is such a switch in conversation I'm sorry. But um... We have to be in Vancouver in a week. Three concerts and a photoshoot."

Let's pause for just a moment here, we arrived in LA like what, five days ago? The Grammys were only two days ago... Like... WHAT?

"You're really funny. I'm going to bed" I say. Tucking my legs into the blankets. The odds of her statement being a prank was pretty good. So I wasn't too keen on believing her.

"I'm not joking y/n. I'm dead serious. I only remembered earlier today. But we have a week. The flight is only a couple hours. No big deal."

*Knock knock*

Ah yes. Perfect timing as always. I step back out of my bed and waddle towards the door.

"y/n, Ellie I've got shitty news just for you!" Martie said from behind the door. "Yep, Really really bad. Like–Kevin Hart with a chainsaw level bad" Oscar added. I didn't actually realize he was there. I opened the door and they stepped into my room. Very similar to the one scene in the Hobbit when the dwarves arrive.

I sigh. Preparing for whatever they might throw at me. Nothing could be worse than having to be in VANCOUVER in a week. * A/n--As someone who lived in Canada for a large sum of my life, lemmie tell ya. Vancouver ain't all tha*

"Shoot" I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms. Oscar and Martie were already situated on the couch, Ellie still on my bed.

"So basically, there's bad weather on the usual plane path to Vancouver. So It's been uh–" Martie cut Oscar off "Canceled!" He grinned sarcastically.

Lets just say, I really wanted to scream my guts out at this moment.

"Well how long does it take to drive up there? We can always use the tour bus" Ellie suggested.

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