Chapter Ten: Duchy of Barnsley

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I have been home for about six months and due any day now. My parents were surprised when I told them, but these children are included in the legitimate document and had them a lot happier.
I had a long chat with my father who told us what Henry the 6th had done to ensure the legitimation of my sons and just incase Henry got my again hose childern as well, it was stated that if Catherine had no living sons then my sons would be future king and spare heir till they had children of their own, it was a suprise but I breathed a little easier knowing that my childern were well cared for and my next son would be the future Duke of Barnsley which my father was thrilled about as William and Edward both been granted other titles by Henry and his father.
Charles will be banished form court for fucking and marrying Henrys sister when he recieves the report in the future but they are still aboard at the moment, the court was now infested with Boleyn and Norfolk follower but I recieved regularly reports of Henrys well being as he did mine.
I decided to take a walk through the garden this morning as the boys were at their lessons, I refuse to have a laying in period, honestly one month with little sunlight was ridiculous and I refused, my parents did not push but made sure someone was always with me.
It was during this walk talking with Joanna that I felt another pain at my side and put my hand there.

"Are you alright, my lady?"

Joanna asked looking concerned but I gave a pained smile before we both heard a water splashing sound and saw that my water had broke, we walked back to her Manor before I called Tony one of my works to send word to Henry before making my way to my room.

Once I am in, I strip down and get into a loose night dress, I try to think of other things such as Charles and Margaret going to Portugal and Henry raving about Luther and the Pope declaring him a defender of the faith.
I chuckled a little at Luther, calling Henry raving like a strumpet in a tantrum and was thankful not to be at court, or I would have laughed at poor Henry.
Another lot of pain hits, but I push through, I knew Henry was playing a long game.
I spent the next eight hours in pain but thinking about what was happening at court but I powered through and finally after the midwife checked me I was ready to push and it hurt like a son of bitch.
I could hear the priest praying and all I could do was tell him to fuck off which caused the other ladies to smile then my mother who was holding my hand encourged me to push which I did, after some time the babe was free and crying.

"A boy, your grace,"

I smiled and was about to ask for my son before I felt the pain again and called out in pain.

"There is another."

The midwife came running back and gave my son to my mother then started to check me over and shouted for me to push which I did, we did this for another few minutes before a loud cry shouted out.

"A girl, your grace."

I laughed out in joy as did my mother, I knew she would be well loved and taken care of, all the woman looked on with joy as they all knew I wanted a girl but I was thrilled to have both.

After I came cleaned up and my babies fed, I held them like I did their brothers when someone knocked I looked up and saw my father and my sons pop their heads in, I smiled and waved them in silently.
They walked in quietly with a smile and looked at the babies with love, I knew my sons would their siblings.

"What are their names, Mama?"

William looked at them with a smile then at me.

"This little one is Orion Charles Alden-Tudor and Odette Elizabeth Alden-Tudor."

"They are wondering names, my dear."

I looked at my father with a smile which he returned, my sons where shown how to hold their siblings which they did and swore to protect them, I looked at my boys and they looked so much like their father it made me smile wider but I could see the serious nature of my father in my eldest sons eyes and the mischievous nature of my mother in my second eldest eyes.

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