𝐱. brunch

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✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER TEN!
in real life

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER TEN!❪     in real life     ❫

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THE AIRPORT WAS BUZZING WITH PEOPLE. Some were taking their time, while others were slamming into people trying to catch their flight in time. Isabel chose to sit on the closest bench to Lacy's gate she could find, tired of getting knocked in the shoulders by carry on bags.

Isabel's leg was bouncing up and down in excitement of finally being able to see one of her closest friends for the first time in six months. Sadly, Lacy's grandfather had unexpectedly passed away a few months ago and she flew out to attend his funeral. She ended up staying with her grandmother for a few months, trying to help her adjust to not having her husband around.

Luckily, Lacy wasn't in college, so she didn't have to worry about being gone for longer than she had planned. She ran a boutique in their hometown, and had her mother run the store in her absence. Now, she was stopping by to see Isabel and Gabbie for two days before heading home.

However, it was all a surprise to Gabbie. After Lacy texted Isabel last night, she asked her not to tell their friend. It had been a whole year since the two of them had seen each other due to Gabbie's crazy basketball schedule.

Isabel looked up from her phone as she began to see people exiting from the gate. Everyone seemed to be crowded together, making it hard for her to see if Lacy was mixed in with them anywhere. Just as she stood on her tiptoes in hopes to see into the crowd, a hand came to rest on her shoulder. She immediately whipped her head around, tackling Lacy into a forceful hug.

The girl groaned, wrapping her arms back around her best friend and letting her bags fall to the ground beside their feet. The familiar smell of lavender invaded Lacy's nostrils, making her melt into Isabel's arms even more in comfort.

"My God, I've missed you so much," Lacy whispered. They pulled away a few moments later, Lacy taking Isabel's head in between her hands and giving her a kiss to the forehead.

"I've missed you too, Lace."

"Is Gabbie still clueless?" She asked, grabbing the handle of her bag and wheeling it as the two of them began to walk.

Isabel smiled, "Yes. She thinks I'm at Target right now."

"Believable, since you spend most of your time there anyways," Lacy teased.

After a few minutes, they finally made it to Isabel's car. Lacy threw her bags into the trunk before climbing into the passenger seat and immediately connecting her phone to aux. She had always had better playlists than Isabel.

"So," Lacy drew out. "How are you and Austin doing? Two years, right? That's a long ass time to be with a man."

Isabel felt her shoulders tense as soon as the name of her boyfriend slipped past Lacy's lips. She knew the girl would ask about him sooner or later, she was just hoping it would be later. They were definitely not in the best spot at the moment. She sighed heavily, trying to plan her words out in her head. Isabel didn't want to make it sound as if their relationship was awful—just that she felt unsatisfied in it.

"Well, I haven't texted him in two days after he basically forgot about me at a party," Isabel said, turning into the parking lot of the restaurant they had agreed to eat at. "I was literally drunk off my ass and had to have a friend come back and pick me up."

Lacy scoffed, "Such a dick. What's he been texting you?"

"Oh, you know, half-assed apologies and lousy excuses," Isabel answered with an irritated eye roll. Their relationship use to not be like this. Usually, Austin would never leave Isabel's side at a party, much less forget he had even came with her. It was like there was something other than Isabel that was more worthy of his attention. Forgetting their plans constantly and barely making any time for his girlfriend had become the new normal for Austin.

"Are you thinking of breaking up with him?" The pitch of Lacy's voice got a little higher, as she turned to her best friend with wide eyes. "Don't lie to me, Isabel, I can see it written all over your face."

"I don't know, Lacy," She murmured, turning the car off and grabbing her purse that was looped around her seat head rest. "I mean, what do you think I should do?"

"Are you happy with him?"

"Sometimes." Isabel bit down on her bottom lip, thinking of all the times Austin had let her down in the past few weeks. "But here lately, no. It's like I'm not even worth his time anymore."

Lacy frowned, watching as Isabel's face dropped. "Two years is a long time. You can't just throw that away because of a few weeks. If I were you, I would give things a little more time, but if nothing gets better in the span of a month, I would call it quits."

Isabel nodded. Did she even want to give it that much longer? Why should she put herself through the pain of trying to cling onto a relationship she knew was falling apart? False hope was a dangerous thing to have, and she feared that if she believed Austin would change, she would only be left disappointed in the long run.

Maybe things would change after they talked about their feelings. Or maybe there would be no Austin and Issie anymore. It was all so unpredictable at this point that she found herself running different scenarios through her mind. Would he even be sad? Would she cry?

"I'll talk to him tonight," She decided.

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞,
sorry had a game tn so
short chapter 😓 but
LACYYYY!!! (?????)


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